Tempe Youth Can Punt, Pass And Kick Into NFL

Does your child think they have the skills to become the next Carson Palmer or Larry Fitzgerald? If so, let them join the fun at the NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Competition from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3 at the Escalante Park Fields, 2150 E. Orange St. in Tempe.

Boys and girls ages 6-15 years old are invited to come out to the newly constructed football field and punt, pass and kick in Tempe’s local competition. Scores are accumulated based on accuracy and distance of punting, passing and placekicking.

Winners (by gender and age division) from the local competition will advance to the Sectional Round in October. Competitors who advance from the Sectional Round will move on to the Team Championships. From there, the top finisher in each age bracket will have the chance to compete at the National Finals held during Super Bowl 2017.

Registration can be done on-site at the event or in advance at www.Tempe.gov/YouthSports. All participants must provide proof of age and are required to wear gym/tennis shoes; no metal cleats are allowed. For more information, call City of Tempe Recreation Coordinator Keyon Cornejo at (480) 350-5222.

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