Green Party Senate Candidate Questions Why He Needs Gallego’s Permission To Debate

Eduardo Heredia Quintana

On Wednesday, U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake called for the Green Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate, Eduardo Quintana, to be allowed to join a debate between her and Congressman Ruben Gallego.

The Lake campaign contacted the Citizens Clean Elections Commission and agreed to them extending an invitation to every candidate on the ballot, which would include Quintana. However, the Commission advised that Gallego would first have to agree to including Quintana in the debate as well.

In response to the Commission’s decision, Quintana tweeted:

So, here’s the main issue I have with this;

Why does @RubenGallego have to consent to my inclusion in the debate stage?

I’m a qualified candidate that will be on the ballot, same as Gallego and Lake.

I have every right to be there and for voters to hear me debate.

Quintana has made several pleas for both campaigns to “stand up for the right of voters to hear from all candidates running” and advocate for his inclusion in the debate.

“The Green Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate Eduardo Quintana will be on the ballot in November, and I believe we need to ensure that every candidate and every voter is heard and respected,” said Lake in a press release. “I urge Ruben to accept the proposal for Eduardo to be included in our debate. You cannot claim to be a “defender of democracy” when you refuse access to third-party candidates.”

Quintana thanked Lake for her support in a tweet:

I thank @KariLake for advocating for our campaign’s inclusion in the upcoming @AZCCEC sponsored Senate debate.

Kari and I have several important disagreements on policy, that’s no secret. But I applaud her for stepping up and demanding that all candidates be allowed to debate.

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  1. While America was sleeping the “clean elections commission “ got the memo, we the people didn’t. New Democratic Socialists are working on controlling everything election related. Even the clean elections pamphlets aren’t really oriented towards full disclosure. And so they wait on the Soros family funded candidate for AZ Senator. If they were independent and not affiliated with these leftists they would be happy to add the Green Party candidate.

  2. Mark’s comment is obviously referring to the people of the State of Arizona when he writes “our”. Unfortunately, those in charge of the Democrat party seem to believe that its really their election process. Anyone on the ballot who puts a Democrat at risk of losing the election, is of course, a threat to democracy and should be stopped by any means. So, they have to save ensure that those dangerous non-Democrats do not present their views to the voters. The voters just might be deceived and make the “wrong” choice. The spirit of Pravda lives on …

  3. This tells you enough about the “Commission”. How clean it is? It is a ruse. Wake up!

  4. Gallego must figure he can do what the higher ups in the party are doing without any adverse affects.

  5. He’s on the ballot. He should be in the debate. Why is the default sentiment that everybody has to kowtow to whatever the democrats want? It’s our election process, not theirs.

    • Because they were put into power by the dumb majority and they exercise that power to its full extent and beyond. Once you put them into power, you can never get rid of them. The Republic is dead!

  6. Great question. Why does anyone need Gallego’s permission for anything? He’s nothing but a slimly politician.

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