Records reveal Democratic congressional candidate Kirsten Engel relied on anti-policing groups to draft proposed legislation while she was in the state legislature.
Email records show that Engel looked to American Friends Service Committee (AFSC, whose Arizona chapter rebranded as Just Communities Arizona in 2021, or “JCA”) and Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) to craft criminal justice reforms, the National Review reported.
AFSC and LUCHA have advocated for far-left criminal justice reforms that include defunding the police, abolishing prisons, and dissolving Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Engel agreed with the massive “defund the police” movement that occurred in 2020, saying that police should be replaced with social workers. That December, Engel invited AFSC and its lobbyist to present their criminal justice reform and gun control priorities at the Senate Democratic Caucus.
AFSC and LUCHA have also advocated heavily for those facing punishment for breaking the law, while criticizing law enforcement.
In 2022, AFSC advocated against the execution of Frank Jarvis Atwood, imprisoned for kidnapping, raping, and murdering eight-year-old Tucson girl Vicki Lynne Hoskinson in 1984. Following his execution, AFSC lamented how Atwood had “suffer[ed] under Arizona’s punishment system.”
More recently, AFSC advocated against the execution of Marcellus Williams, imprisoned for the murder of 42-year-old Felicia Gayle. Williams had broken into Gayle’s home as part of a robbery, and stabbed Gayle over 40 times.
Death sentences do not deter crime, are disproportionately handed to people of color, and have been given to numerous individuals who were later exonerated. It's time to abolish the death penalty! https://t.co/q4ZO4pvh4z
— AFSC (@afsc_org) September 24, 2024
AFSC is currently advocating against Israel’s ongoing response to the Hamas terrorist attack that occurred last October.
In addition to advocating for the dissolution of ICE, LUCHA advocated for the defunding of Customs and Border Patrol during the 2022 holidays, well into the ongoing border crisis.
Nobody should have to live with fear of being separated from their loved ones or displaced from their home. Show us your values this new year by cutting funds for these harmful agencies.
Tis' the season to Defund ICE & CBP & bring joy to all of our communities! pic.twitter.com/qf6ifnHSii
— LUCHA Arizona (@LUCHA_AZ) December 13, 2022
LUCHA also advocated for freeing all prisoners when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.
Our prison, jail and detention center situation is a “ticking time bomb.” One AZ model predicts 99% of those inside will be infected with COVID-19. Ppl’s Bailout calls for immediate release of al in detention. #FreeThemAllhttps://t.co/9oOH8Nom3yhttps://t.co/aKe9G6idPU
— LUCHA Arizona (@LUCHA_AZ) April 28, 2020
The next year, Engel introduced legislation to do just that during public health emergencies.
Engel’s willingness to prioritize AFSC and LUCHA in policymaking resulted in heavy public endorsement and praise from both groups.
In 2021, Engel read aloud several of the 375 postcards AFSC sent her on the Senate floor pertaining to AFSC’s “ReFraming Justice Day,” advocating for improving prison conditions, incentive programs such as earned release credits,
“‘I hope you’ll choose healing and accountability in Arizona over punishment and prison,’” read aloud Engel. “‘Instead of spending $1.2 billion per year on state prisons, we could be investing it on education, daycare, mental health treatments, and infrastructure.’”
That same year, Engel served as LUCHA’s mouthpiece in opposition to a bill proposing to make rioting a class six felony, specifically aggravated assault on police, aiming a laser pointer at police, criminal damage, obstructing a highway, maintaining or committing a public nuisance or knowingly failing or refusing to perform any legal duty relating to the public nuisance, abuse of venerated objects, and committing assault while using fireworks. Engel read LUCHA’s testimony on their behalf — the organization didn’t register to speak.
“This bill sets a dangerous precedent at restricting access to protest by threatening felony charges for nothing more than attending a protest,” read Engel. “
Just as Engel has shared the sentiments of AFSC and LUCHA on policing and punishments for lawbreakers, she has also supported greater restrictions and oversights on law-abiding citizens pertaining to guns. While in the state legislature, Engel fought for universal background checks and assault weapon bans, which she maintained would not infringe on Second Amendment rights.