I don’t know about you, but I’m incredibly tired of the “Stupid Party” (i.e. the Republicans, GOP, etc.) constantly saving the Dimsheviks from the direct consequences of their [always predictable] actions. Left to their own, today’s Dims, [completely unlike the Democrat Party of John Kennedy, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, or even Jimmy Carter], are forever on the march to destroy our Republic.
So what the heck? Let’s see how bad they can really make it. Vote Dimshevik. Let’s just cut the clueless, spineless, self-entitled, and sanctimonious Republicans out of this process for a while, and see where all this takes us. Aren’t you just the least bit disgusted with the Republican dip-wads always saving the Dims’ bacon?
Let’s see the Electoral College go away and front-loading the Supreme Court like Maduro in Venezuela; let’s see enough money printing to pay anyone with a smidgen of black genetic heritage $$$ billions in “reparations”, let’s see how the geostrategic pullback of America from the world stage will make it a “Joyous Planet”, let’s see how tens of millions of unskilled, uneducated invaders from the 3rd world can run a modern hi-tech economy; let’s see those same invaders get counted by the Census to offset the exodus out of Dimshevik states, stemming their rapid loss of congressional seats.
Let’s see the pseudo-psychological concept of transgenderism be enshrined in law as [yet another] “right” to be worshipped in the Dims’ victimology pantheon. Let’s see all those Satanic icons out everywhere, full frontal! And no more subsidies for organized religion, money-grubbing megachurch preachers, their families, and private jet taxis. Halloween would make a great national holiday, huh?
Speaking of taxes! Oh my, let’s tax everything more and more to fund more and more government to take care of more and more “victims & helpless”, (Dims’ euphemism for parasites). Hey, the Dims created Hollywood and Porno-Valley, vis-à-vis the tax code; think what they can do creating newer and more “diverse” parasites. Sex toys deserve a line-item credit in the tax code, don’t you think?
Seriously, if there’s one rule that always works with the American people, it’s this: Dialectical politics never fails. If you’re disgusted with the worthless, ineffective modern Republican Party barely saving the Republic from the predations of modern Dimsheviks, but you secretly love & care about America, and badly desire the Dimsheviks to permanently visit Ronald Reagan’s Dustbin of History…..just vote ‘em in office.
They will so totally screw America, …like they have every other place on Planet Earth, we’ll be rid of them forever, after about a decade of necessary suffering. Right now we’re just that clueless bull-frog in the District of Corruption’s slow warming pot.
Time to turn up the heat: there is no gain without pain.
Sellers is a Southpark, Roosevelt-Republican (TR), living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization.
How about we just purge the government of the democrat party in its entirety.
I’ll have whatever he’s drinking…
Can you translate this to English bill?
No, they don’t. I read it three times and am not sure what he is saying.
Only one problem with that. How sure are you we’d still be able to get rid of them “after a decade of necessary suffering”? It’s not entirely clear we can get rid of them now – give them another decade to consolidate control of elections and the odds only get worse. Me, I say we’ve suffered more than enough already. We need to take our best shot at getting rid of the Dems NOW, while it still may be possible.
I wouldn’t give FDR much credit for anything. He cleansed the State Dept of anti-communists in the 30’s; allowed a bunch of communists into the OSS – the precursor to the CIA; he goaded the Japanese into a war with us they didn’t really want by cutting them off of needed raw materials and sucking up to China (how’d THAT work out?); desparately wanted to get us into the war with Germany; AND gave Stalinist Soviets precedence over our allies and OUR OWN TROOPS in military supplies with lendlease. The Soviets DEMANDED and got not only war materiel, but also entire FACTORIES. Does the favoring of another country’s military over OUR own sound familiar? Guess who’s running that crapshow…the Democrats AGAIN. By the way… Woodie Wilson was not freaking prize package either.
Sellers’ is brilliant and his work is always spot on. If you are too stupid to see it you are part of the problem.
None of these words make any sense!
Neither do the Dims!
Re Read them, slowly.
As many times as it takes…
go have indiscriminate sex – get infected or span another child to be killed in the name of healthcare – Satan has a special reward for your actions