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  1. How about: Anyone who wants a new logo/mascot/crest/flag/etc. pays for it out-of-pocket (with receipts), and it goes to the following general election for vote. If it is not adopted they don’t get reimbursed.

    The only way to end profligate spending is to disincentivize the spenders from wasting money.

  2. Who can Arizonans depend on? anything with a $700,000 dollar price tag funded by taxpayers demands accountability. Clearly the production of such a “basic” art project should have an associated cost/value of well under $2000 dollars. And if there needed to be more than 3 meetings to fine tune/ make changes to the logo- then clearly those sessions were of “NO VALUE”. So who can Arizonans depend on to hold Arizona State government officials and their employees accountable? I know I’m not alone in saying Arizona has a lack of confidence in our Governor’s office and our Attorney General’s office. Who will take the lead in examining this matter and holding those accountable?

  3. Outrageous. To use pandemic funds for a logo, and a really unattractive one at that, is corrupt and offensive. Why don’t we use these $ to secure our border!

  4. As a graphic designer (Wei Cool Design llc) I could have come up with a much better logo for only 700 bucks. But then again, I’m not connected to government hacks.

  5. Federal, State and Local Government officials need to clamp down on the reckless spending of “pandemic relief funds”. This should be returned to the incoming administration for debt relief and government consolidation efforts to save the republic from insolvency. Bad governance of the last 4 years has created this “slush”, don’t squander it now!

  6. They could have done a contest using several hundred art and graphic design majors in college for one hell of a lot less. But that’s not the corrupt way to go. I bet the college kids could come up with a much, much, much better design. This one looks stupid.

  7. Who decided we need a new logo? Doesn’t something like that have to go through AZ congress?

  8. That logo is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. It seems to have a lot of “blue” in it. Trying to turn AZ blue even with the logo.

  9. The design as presented is washed out (i.e., lacks high contrast, doesn’t show up well against a white background) and the use of green against orange crosses into the color palette that is difficult to distinguish if one is red-green color blind. Free consultation. We don’t need a new logo and this one is a “No.”

  10. How is this in any way related to Pandemic Relief Funds? This is outrageous and corrupt! Many in the AZ Gov are a disgraceful joke!

  11. Why on Earth the state even needs a stupid logo! It has a great seal! Use that and let people learn and recognize that.

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