Joe’s Hope: Sunday’s Comic

joe biden comic

Carville calls Biden ‘most tragic figure in modern American politics’

Democratic strategist James Carville called President Biden the “most tragic figure in modern American politics,” criticizing the president for his decision to wait until so close to Election Day to remove himself from the presidential race.

Carville blamed the historic dropout for Vice President Harris’s loss…

READ MORE — Carville calls Biden ‘most tragic figure in modern American politics’ >>>


  1. Cuz Snakehead Carville is a genius. Tragic? Senile, nasty, dim-witted, corrupt, liar…. all but not tragic.

  2. Biden had nothing to do with it – he was never president – just a talking head of.. who? That is the real question – who was running the government ? Not Harris -) for sure, not Biden.. no doubt – who is operating this nation? Obama ? Soros ? Who is pushing this nation to abandon Israel, open it’s borders to the world, allow drugs and evil to engulf the nation.. Sounds EVIL – looks EVIL – feels EVIL – Is EVIL… what’s coming next? Its getting close is it not.

  3. How do the dems not see it was: border invasion and protecting the criminals; DEI over merit, spending of non-existent money on nonsense that made life unaffordable; indoctrination of children while usurping parental rights; rampant violence with zero risk of deterrence; propping up a carcass as their leader for 3-5 years, and; not seeing it right in front of their eyes. You have mirrors, look at who’s to blame. Duh.

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