Schweikert Introduces Bill To Open Up All Kennedy Assassination Files

John F. Kennedy, photograph in the Oval Office. [Photo courtesy National Archives and Records Administration]

As the 119th Congress kicked into action, Arizona Congressman David Schweikert introduced legislation that will open up the remaining files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Schweikert’s Justice for Kennedy Act, directs the heads of certain departments and agencies of the Federal Government to publicly disclose all assassination records and information relevant to the tragic murder of President John F. Kennedy 61 years ago.

It’s estimated that anywhere from 3,000 to 4,000 records have yet to be fully released, with 515 documents being withheld from the public completely, according to the National Archives.

In an interview with Fox News, Rep. Schweikert explained the reason he believes the remaining files have been hidden from the American people for so long is due to “control and vanity.”

“Freedom of information is more important than vanity. The only way we can have a functioning republic is if we have access to information, and sometimes, that includes the potentially uncomfortable truth,” said Schweikert. “That’s why I introduced the Justice for Kennedy Act, requiring all assassination records be unclassified and unredacted. The moment we begin to treat our country like adults is when they will start to trust in American institutions once again.”

In the early 1990s, the federal government mandated that all assassination-related documents be housed in a single collection in the National Archives and Records Administration.

The collection of over 5 million records was required to be opened by 2017, barring any exemptions designated by the president.

Schweikert’s bill directs the National Archives and Records Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Defense, and the Department of State to publicly disclose in unclassified and unredacted form any assassination record and information in their control or possession relevant to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The Department of Justice must petition any court in the United States or in a foreign country to publicly disclose in such form any assassination record and information relevant to the assassination of President Kennedy that is held under seal of the court or under the injunction of secrecy of a grand jury.

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  1. It’s time the CIA was exposed for the part they played in his assassination. If you watch the Zapruder videos, the kill shot came from the front. Please remember the Warren commission report that only one bullet killed Kennedy and wounded Connelly and was found on Kennedy’s stretcher at the Hospital. All to cover for the CIA and most likely their buddies in the mafia.

  2. Its time the CIA was exposed for the part they played in his assassination. If you watch the Zapruder videos, the kill shot came from the front. Please remember the Warren commission report that only one bullet killed Kennedy and wounded Connelly and was found on Kennedy’s stretcher at the Hospital. All to cover for the CIA and most likely their buddies in the mafia.

  3. the assassination of JFK resulting in the VIET NAM WAR starting ‘the day after his death’ the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Kennedy wrote a letter stating he would not ever enter that war, calling it unwinnable year(s) before the start of the war. LBJ – the Garrison Theory MIC – catalyzing his death and the war. LBJ Texas killer – there some documents to release

    • Um, yeah. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was in August, 1964, not the day after JFK’s assassination. But yes, I think Kennedy would have kept things small in Vietnam, or even withdrawn all our troops. I think he was aware of what was going on and what would happen had he continued involvement so would have and kept us out. He learned from the Bay of Pigs. Alas, we’ll never know. So 58,000+ Americans killed for what? Thanks johnson. And McNamara.

      • “Thanks johnson. And McNamara.” They are both well beyond the reach of our praise or condemnation.

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