Jon Justice, The Truth celebrate five years

Jon Justice, Tucson’s most popular radio host celebrated the 5th birthday of his show on 104.1 FM, this weekend at Casino del Sol. Two Tucsonans,  New York Times bestselling author Katie Pavlich and stand-up comic and pundit Stephen Kruiser, came back to town to celebrate the event.

The emcee for the event was Tucson’s newest radio host on 104.1, and Jon’s friend; James T. Harris.

Justice, who recently had open heart surgery, bounded up on stage before an audience of over one thousand people. National radio hosts Jerry Doyle and Roger Hedgecock joined Harris, S.E. Cupp, Pavlich and Kruiser in honoring Justice.

“It was by far the best birthday party we have had. Many of our special guests went well out of their way to be at our event, which just goes to show that over the years we have built something special with 104.1 FM,” said Justice.

Tucsonan Steve Kruiser, a graduate of Salpointe High School, opened the event. The popular standup comic and political pundit appears Fox News Channel’s “Red Eye” and the “Strategy Room.” He is the host of “Kruiser Control” on editor Katie Pavlich came to celebrate Justice’s show which launched her career. Justice gave Pavlich her start in journalism while she was a college student at the University of Arizona. Pavlich has since achieved national prominence as the author of the New York Times bestselling book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Pavlich acknowledged ATF whistleblower Jay Dobyns who attended the event. She thanked him for his bravery and assistance in uncovering the truth about the government’s failed gun running program.

Pavlich told the audience that the most disturbing aspect of Fast and Furious, was that “the government was willing to turn law abiding gun dealers into criminals to serve their (the government’s) agenda.”

Dobyns, clearly proud of his fellow Tucsonan, said that he had recently attended one of Pavlich’s book signing events, and “the line was two football fields long.”

One long time fan of Justice summed up the event, “Jon’s enthusiasm and fearlessness has gained him a lot of fans and a lot of enemies. If an elected official doesn’t like Jon, you can bet they are they are afraid of the truth. The name of the show says it all.”

James T. Harrisjon justiceKatie PavlichSteve Kruiser