Poll Shows Trump Holding Lead In Arizona

The results of a new poll show Donald Trump holding his lead in the GOP presidential primary race.  The poll conducted by MBQF, focused on the top tier GOP candidates participating in tomorrows live televised CNN debate.

The results from the survey show high efficacy primary Republican voters across Arizona represented by likely 2016 turnout models.

In the most recent automated telephonic survey of 643 high efficacy primary republican voters, conducted on September 12, 2015, the survey calculates a 3.86% theoretical margin of error, plus or minus in percentage points, 95% of the time.

The exact question was phrased, “If the election were held today for the Republican primary for President of the United States, which of the following top 11 candidates, listed in alphabetical order by last name, would you be most likely to vote for?”

AZ GOP Presidential Primary 2016
September 12, 2015 Results
Donald Trump
Ben Carson
Jeb Bush
Carli Fiorina
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
John Kasich
Scott Walker
Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
Rand Paul

MBQF principle Michael Noble, commented on the electorate and the parties, “It appears the conventional wisdom of the DC insiders has not found a home with any of the top candidates because the electorate ain’t buying the rhetoric.  Nobody has flinched as political scare tactics and beltway bravado, lose ground to plain speak.”

“This seems to be a case where maybe the parties ought to take a page from president Reagan when asked why he left the Democratic Party, — he mused that he ‘didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me….’ — there is something republicans might heed from that comment and this recent polling.” Noble said.

As 82.4% of Republicans surveyed indicate they will be tuning in, it is clear voters will be watching closely.  Questions arise about the relevance of obsolete status quo party politics as emerging non-politicians take center stage.

Noble added, “Donald Trump still leads the field by a comfortable margin and his overall favorability is 49.2% — but he needs to watch his negatives as well, it’s not all champagne, roses and doughnuts.”

The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.86%.


donald trumpGOP presidential primary raceMBQF