Tagger Hits Rialto Theater

The Rialto Theater in Tucson’s down town was hit by a tagger at approximately 3:00 a.m. on Saturday. An image of the tagger was caught on the Theater’s security camera.

“Well this was nice to wake up to! We have a feeling the tagger may come to regret this after we review security camera footage and file a police report and whatnot,” read the Rialto’s Facebook page on Saturday morning. “Hope this ugly crap was worth it! Stay tuned. And, young tagger person, take some classes or something. That shit is wack, just, you know, aesthetically. You can do better!”

Frank Lundin and Ram Plumbing volunteered their time and labor to clean up the front of the Rialto theatre on Saturday.

rialto theatertaggertucson