Biggs Wins CD5 Republican Primary Race

Christine Jones has officially conceded the Republican Primary CD5 race to Andy Biggs after he took a mere 27-vote lead following a recount. Biggs entered the recount with a mere 16-vote lead over Christine Jones.

“I congratulate Christine Jones on her hard-fought campaign to replace Congressman Matt Salmon. Running for office is a daunting task and requires hard work and determination. Christine demonstrated those qualities and more throughout the campaign,” stated Biggs.

The slim margin did not curb Biggs’ braggadocio. “I am proud that voters vested their trust in me to be their conservative Representative in Congress,” stated Biggs. “I congratulate all of my opponents as well, who gave it their all in this hard-fought primary. Our campaign is far from over and our team of volunteers are ready to hit the ground running again. November is around the corner, and I am looking forward to continuing to spread our conservative message of a more limited, constitutional government.”

Maricopa County voters were disenfranchised through the failure of County Recorder Helen Purcell.

Biggs had been behind much of the race, but during the counting of votes days after Election Day, he pulled ahead, taking a 9 vote lead.

The uncounted ballots included at least 300 potential voters, who were told the wrong place to cast their ballots by poll workers.
