Sine Die The Coleman Con: Sunday’s Comic

When Rep. Doug Coleman isn’t making skin crawl he’s probably scheming for some kind of advantage or another.

Coleman is leaving the Arizona House of Representatives to run for a Justice of the Peace spot. Like former Pima County Supervisor-turned-Justice of the Peace Ray Carroll, Coleman will collect a hefty salary and spike his pension.

For years, Coleman blocked efforts to level the playing field for independent news outlets. At the same time, he failed to declare that he had a conflict. On the last day of the legislative session he addressed the issue and admitted that his daughter works for one of the beneficiaries of arcane regulations he protected.

Year after year, after year, Coleman refused to hear bills that would lift the arcane regulations. Year after year, after year, Coleman kept silent about the obvious appearance of a conflict of interest.

Can you imagine what he could do as a Justice of the Peace? The thought is enough to make your skin crawl…

ArizonaColemanDoug ColemanJustice of the Peace