Gosar Endorses Livingston For State Treasurer

The race for State Treasurer no longer features the same never-Trump candidate versus the pro-Trump candidate, but the departure of State Representative Regina Cobb and her successful recruitment of State Representative Jeff Weninger to run in her place has done little to alter the anti- and pro-Trump nature of the race.

Like Cobb, the Rubio-supporting Weninger has avoided taking a full-blown public never-Trump position, but his social media for the last six years is utterly devoid of any support for the President or praise for his successes. And just like Cobb, even during the general elections of 2016 against Hillary Clinton and 2020 against Joe Biden, Weninger refused to publicly rally behind Trump’s campaign or invoke Trump’s name.

Other elected officials are starting to take notice. David Livingston’s latest endorsement comes from one of Arizona’s strongest pro-Trump and America First elected officials — Congressman Paul Gosar.

Gosar said “I am proud to support David Livingston to be our next State Treasurer. This man doesn’t just talk, he is a conservative fighter and I’ve worked with David on many key battles to save our state and our country. He has earned our vote for Treasurer.”

“I’m grateful for Paul’s support and endorsement.” said Livingston, adding “He is an America First fighter like me, at a time when too many politicians still aren’t willing to take strong stands on important issues.”

With largely center-right voting records for the two candidates, their positions on Trump and the election audit (Livingston voted for it and is a vocal defender while Weninger is silent on it), are expected to have an outsized role in the contest.

Democratic legislator Martin Quezada is the only announced Democrat in the race.

ArizonaArizona TreasurerDavid Livingstonpaul gosar