Hobbs’ Lead Narrows, Horne, Hamadeh, Schweikert Gains Substantial

On Sunday, Democrat Katie Hobbs’ lead over Republican Kari Lake narrowed slightly from to over 31,000 votes to 26,011. The race remains too close to call, although with approximately 160,000 ballots left to count, many believe time is running out for Lake to come back.


Choice Polling Place Early Ballot Provisional Ballot Total Percent
Hobbs, Katie (DEM) 138,549 1,071,511 1,535 1,211,595 50.54%
Lake, Kari (REP) 327,511 857,113 960 1,185,584 49.46%

Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, made a substantial gain in Sunday night’s count, with just 592 votes separating him from incumbent Kathy Hoffman.

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Choice Polling Place Early Ballot Provisional Ballot Total Percent
Hoffman, Kathy (DEM) 133,698 1,038,220 1,490 1,173,408 50.01%
Horne, Tom (REP) 323,379 848,510 927 1,172,816 49.99%

Also making a strong showing was Republican candidate for Arizona Attorney General Abe Hamadeh. With the rest of the ballots expecting to favor Republicans, Hamadeh is in striking distance of Democrat candidate Kris Mayes.

Attorney General

Choice Polling Place Early Ballot Provisional Ballot Total Percent
Mayes, Kris (DEM) 134,801 1,045,041 1,556 1,181,398 50.24%
Hamadeh, Abraham “Abe” (REP) 323,532 845,625 913 1,170,070 49.76%

Representative David Schweikert, who has been behind his Democrat challenger Jevin Hodge since the first votes dropped election night, gained the lead after Sunday’s ballot count. His lead is only expected to grow.

U.S. Representative in Congress – District No. 1 

Choice Polling Place Early Ballot Provisional Ballot Total Percent
Schweikert, David (REP) 39,238 133,607 0 172,845 50.13%
Hodge, Jevin D. (DEM) 14,210 157,741 0 171,951 49.87%

Maricopa County estimates the count to be 94 percent complete.

Maricopa County’s updated results show 1,474,943 ballots have been counted, which represents 60.56 percent of total eligible voters. This post included an additional 98,618 ballots, nearly all of which were dropped off on Election Day. Other ballots included would be any cured early ballots.