Super Joe: Sunday’s Comic

The seven biggest lies Biden told this week

President Biden’s State of the Union address was full of lies and mistruths. They betray the desperation of a president with 38 percent job approval on the economy, 16 percent of the population better off than before he took office, and most of his own party wanting a different White House nominee in 2024.

Here are his seven biggest lies:

1: “Take-home pay has gone up.”

I predicted last week that Biden would utter this lie. Real wages have fallen every month for nearly two straight years under his administration as historic inflation swamps nominal wages and destroys living standards. According to the most recent data, annual inflation is rising 50 percent faster than average wages. The truth is that Americans are getting poorer, something we are reminded of every time we visit the grocery store, where prices have increased by 20 percent since Biden took office.

2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”

Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as “new” jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office…

READ MORE — The seven biggest lies Biden told this week >>>

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