Hobbs Delivers State Of The State, GOP Offers Rebuttal

On Monday, Governor Katie Hobbs announced several controversial plans in her State of the State address that will unlikely win Republican support.

Hobbs focused on killing school choice, claimed to be concerned about the border, and complained about the lack of affordable housing.

Republicans let their opposition to her attack on Arizona’s cornerstone school choice program, Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA), prior to, and after, her speech.

Parents and other supporters of school choice during a rally on the Capitol lawn prior to her speech. “We don’t co-parent with the government,” “Thriving with ESA,” and “Keep Katie’s hands off my future,” were a few of the messages on the many signs held by attendees.

The conservative Center for Arizona Policy called the speech “replete with anti-family rhetoric and leftist platitudes.”

2024 state of the stateArizonaBen Tomakatie hobbsstate of the stateWarren Petersen