A New Meme Manager: Sunday’s Comic

Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

They meme business.

The Biden-Harris campaign is seeking to recruit a savvy netizen to help whip up memes and bolster its internet strategy as a partner manager on its digital partnership team.

It’s a job seemingly built for online political trash-talkers, but there’s a potential catch — whoever is hired for this role must work out of the president’s hometown of Wilmington, Del., according to a notice…

READ MORE — Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware >>>

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  • B S

    83 million votes? Come on man, piss on someone else’s leg and tell them it’s raining.

  • bill b

    the next presidential candidate for the Democrats – Hilary Clinton

  • Michael

    Gaffe? I don’t think so! Maybe a Freudian slip because that senile old fool wants to be out and let a real President take over and start fixing America!