New Biden Arizona Hire Tweets Show Racist, Sexist, And Anti-Cop Tendencies

On Tuesday Joe Biden announced another round of staff hires in Arizona including Digital Organizing Director Michael Ramirez, who over the last decade has tweeted statements that are sexist, racist and anti-cop.

While the Biden campaign is pushing the narrative that Harris, who has been identified as one of the most progressive senators by Americans for Democratic Action, is really a pragmatic moderate, the hiring of Ramirez seems to indicate that the campaign is anything but moderate.

Over the years, Ramirez has tweeted the following:

Ramirez, who self-identifies as a Marxist, was Field Director for the Bernie Sanders 2020 Presidential campaign in Arizona. Prior to that, he worked as the Deputy Field Director for the Nevada Caucasus.

In the 2018 midterms, Ramirez served as Campaign Manager for Colorado Senator Julie Gonzales and in 2016 he was a National Latino Outreach Strategist for Sanders. His tweets have not appeared to have affected his political aspirations thus far. However, the last presidential candidate he worked for dropped out.


anti-copArizonaDigital Organizing Director Michael Ramirezjoe bidenMarxistMichael RamirezracistSexiststaff hires