Mesa $40,000 Christmas Tree Torched

The City of Mesa announced that it will be replacing the Merry Main Street Christmas tree which sustained heavy fire damage early Wednesday morning and is a total loss. The cause of the fire is currently being investigated by Mesa Fire and Medical Department and the Mesa Police Department.

The Merry Main Street Christmas Tree was sponsored by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce and more than a dozen private businesses when purchased in 2015 and was valued at more than $40,000. The Chamber is taking the lead on a fundraising campaign to replace the tree.

“We are saddened by this turn of events.” Chamber President Sally Harrison said. “Our members that stepped up to sponsor the tree are disappointed but we are excited to take on the challenge to reach out to our community and East Valley friends to raise funds to purchase a new tree as soon as possible.”

Those individuals and organizations interested in making a donation can go to the Mesa Chamber’s website at and click on the button for donating to the tree.

Merry Main Street will continue with the Winter Wonderland Ice Rink, which is open daily through January 5 except Christmas day; the Mesa Christmas Market located on Macdonald and open this weekend and the following weekend; photos with Santa and the City’s trackless train, Main Street Express.

For a complete list of Merry Main Street activities visit

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