Rudy Acuna, the Wizard of Aztlan shares his “wisdom”

Rudolpho Acuna, author of the seminal Raza Studies textbook, “Occupied America,” frequently shares his opinions with the editor of the Independent Daily. He rarely checks his facts (or his spelling or grammar) before he issues his racist rants in online comments. His frequent random rants provide much insight into the old man’s soul, his intellect, and his (lack of) intellectual honesty. The following rants are either directed to me or to other posters to this site and others with whom Acuna takes exception.

Rudy the “Wizard of Aztlan,” in his own words …..


First of all, the email was sent to friends, mostly students and academic types. I will not apologize for promoting an event that charges $5 and $10.

Second, either Ms Hunnicutt cannot read or is intentionally lying. I never compared Mandela to Hitler.


The email was sent by Acuna to many who could not be considered a friend of his, and who he, in his superiority, would not consider to be academic types.

He did compare Hitler to Mandela in his work “The Thin Line” that he wrote in 2001. In that same piece he wrote that there is a thin line between the “true believer and the racist.” In Acuna’s case there appears to be no line between the true believer and the racist; he is one and the same.


When I was a child I used to listen to a program titled “It pays to be ignorant.” The writer and her Greek Chorus would be ideal candidates as participants in that radio show. There is no thing such as a “barrio pedagogy.” The MAS program uses established scholars as models for their METHODS. I know that neither she or the readers have ever heard of John Dewey or Edwin Fenton but perhaps they should read so the moderator won’t respond, “It pays to be ignorant, just like you!”


Barrio pedagogy is addressed in the work “A Barrio pedagogy: identity, intellectualism, activism and academic achievement though the evolution of critically compassionate intellectualism.” by TUSD’s Mexican American Studies proponents, Sean Arce MAS director, Augustine Romero, TUSD Director of Equity, and Julio Cammarota. Our writers are very familiar with the works of John Dewey….as well as the document Barrio Pedagogy itself.


While Hoffer had some valid points, it takes a level of analysis beyond the capacity of the columnist or Stegeman to comprehend or apply. The Tea Party and the Arizona Republican Party would be more appropriate subjects to apply Hoffer’s theoretical model. Evidently neither Hunnicutt nor Stegeman nor for that fact your readers know the difference between opinion and fact.


Dr. Stegeman addressed the tactics employed by MAS teachers and revealed that they were in fact the same techniques used by ideologically motivated mass movements and cults, and had the same effect on some MAS students. I myself have seen the tactics used, and have talked to various parents, students, and staff about the use of the tactics and their effectiveness against vulnerable children.

Not only am I certain that Rudy has not talked to the same witnesses who spent time with me, but I imagine that due to his readiness to insult anyone who takes a position contrary to his own, few dare to oppose him openly. In that regard, his bullying has freed him from having to defend his positions. Perhaps that is why he reacts so irrationally when challenged.


White children don’t attend the schools in need, they are increasingly in charter schools or self-segregated in private schools. Pedicone wants to attract white students to magnet schools that are already disproportionately white. now that they have a program that has the possibility to improve their performance, you all want to dismantle it. Let’s face it, you don’t want Mexicans to learn.


The monies Dr. Pedicone spent were intended to attract Anglo students to schools that are minority/majority schools, not majority/minority schools. Just like Rudy, Pedicone is vested in maintaining the status quo at TUSD, and that is why he continues to support unproven and/or damaging programs like Raza Studies that literally suck resources out of TUSD’s classrooms and ensure that too many TUSD’s students leave the third grade unable to read.


i doubt if you have ever read occupied america or any other book or even know the meaning of the title. if you would like, say that i did in public so i can sue you. what is hateful is for you to lie, which can be expected from someone who of your character and up bringing. i have never heard any student in tucson express hateful rhetoric. i have heard it from elected officials, i have witnessed racist rhetoric from those cowards calling themselves tea party members and minutemen, but never students. it must be terrible to wake up, look in the mirror, and learn that you are still you insignificant self.


1) paying taxes does not qualify you to an “educated” opinion. Stupidity is stupidity. Opinions to be valid must be based on facts, not speculation or wild speculation. 2)I have been a teacher for over 50 years, a master teacher for 48 years. 3)You may have read course materials but I doubt whether you can evaluate them since it takes a degree of literacy. 3)I am the author of 20 books and over 200 articles and I have evaluated the materials you say or claim to have read and my EXPERT opinion not speculation says that the result of those in MAS classes is excellent. They are in stark contrast to those that have to take mainstream classes. Racism is debilitating and results in a poor outcome. 4)I can assure you that I pay considerably more taxes than you do; i am a veteran. 5) It is not the MAS classes that promote segregation, try the white flight via Charter Schools. Try residential segregation. Try job discrimination.


You would not know a Marxist if he sat on your face. When you die, you spouse, if you have one, will be relieved.



Editor’s notes:

Perhaps Rudy doesn’t realize that Rudy is short for Rudolpho.

critical race theoryMexican American Studiesoccupied americarudy acunatusd