Stegeman to stay on TUSD Board, relinquishes presidency

Dr. Mark Stegeman sent a notice out last night advising the public that he will relinquish his position as President of the TUSD Governing Board in order to get down to the district’s business and speak freely to the public.

“Having served as president of the Governing Board of the Tucson Unified School District through a demanding period, I hope that the public will understand my decision to relinquish this role as the semester ends. Reducing my administrative responsibilities will allow me to focus more time and energy on the budget and educational issues which are ultimately critical to the district’s success. Regaining the freedom of an ordinary board member to express my views on district issues, untangled from the president’s role as the board’s spokesman, will also be welcome.

The position of board president typically rotates among board members, and I will work to ensure the usual smooth transition. The summer is a relatively quiet time and there should be no negative effects on the district.

I have today advised the board and district superintendent that I will step down upon appointment of my successor but no later than June 30. I am sure that my successor will serve the district well.”

– Mark

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