TUSD Board stalls on student achievement

Tucson Unified School District Governing Board member Miguel Cuevas was voted in as president of the Board in a 4-1 vote. Adelita Grijalva, who had wanted the position, was the lone vote against Cuevas.

The issue of social promotion dominated much of last night’s discussion. While teachers throughout the district have fought for years to end the practice of passing students onto the next grade without mastering the requisite skills, three members of the Board could not risk doing the right thing. A proposal offered by Stegeman and Hicks to end social promotion died in a 2-2-1 vote. Miguel Cuevas abstained.

Grijalva argued in favor of the discrimination of low expectations, and said that an end to social promotion would unfairly target Hispanic students.

Stegeman and Hicks then settled for a statement of principle: “The issuance of the 8th grade promotion certificate should be based on attainment of nationally recognized standards for 8th grade achievement.” By statute, the certificate ensures admission to high school but is not required for admission.

Board members Sugiyama and Grijalva have formed an alliance, which is expected to result in a Board stalemate until the next election.

Sugiyama was appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy left by the death of board member Judy Burns. Pima County Superintendent of Public Instruction, Linda Arzoumanian, a Raul Grijalva appointee, selected Sugiyama from a field of over 50 applicants.

The Board also voted to increases in extracurricular fees for elementary, middle and high school students. The vote was unanimous. School principals can waive fees for families that are unable to raise the funds and suffer economic hardship.

The high school sports fee will go from $50 per sport to $65. The flat fee of $20 for all sports for middle school students increased $30 per sport. There was an increase to $3 for elementary activities to include art, band, dance, music and sports has been implemented.

Superintendent Pedicone was not at the meeting. He is “consulting” in Korea.

Adelita Grijalvaalexandre sugiyamalinda arzoumanianmiguel cuevasPima County School Superintendentsocial promotiontusd