Cunningham called out on double standard

In response to a demand from the Tucson Police Officer’s Association last Friday, that she apologize and resign, Tucson city councilman Paul Cunningham’s chief of staff, Kate Bolger issued only an apology on Tuesday. “I write this letter not only as an apology to the officers who were witness and subject to my unbecoming conduct, but to the residents of the City of Tucson,” she wrote. Prior to her public apology, Cunningham, who has assumed he has been given a pass by the public for his embarrassing drunken behavior, came out and said that he would not hold her accountable for her behavior and the ‘matter would be dealt with internally.”

Her refusal to resign and Cunningham’s refusal to hold his employee to minimum standards of conduct led to rumblings in the community. Those rumblings came to a boil when popular drive time radio host James T. Harris told his listening audience, at 104.1FM that he had been informed that Cunningham had benefited from the same double standard as Bolger.

Harris revealed that Cunningham had had several photo enforced violations, including running red lights that had never been brought to the public’s attention while a conservative former lawmaker, Frank Antenori had been excoriated in the local press for his one red light infraction. According to Harris, and court records, Cunningham has an old minor in possession charge, and 10 parking and traffic violations. Cunningham called the station during the show and confirmed the violations. He cleared up some confusion about the possession charge, advising station staff that he was a minor at the time, and did not provide alcohol to other minors.

Bolger had been arrested after being stopped for jaywalking on March 22. Her drunken behavior was caught on tape, and demonstrated the double standard for Tucson’s “leadership.” Tucson has had its share of drunk leaders and has often looked the other way, but Bolger lost all support when the video of the arrest showed her asking an officer, “Do you know who I am.” The public reaction to the acknowledged double standard grew when it was revealed that the officers had offered to give Bolger a ride home; a privilege not afforded other drunks.

Harris invited the councilman, who is currently in recovery himself, to appear on his show and explain his reasoning for enabling Bolger and preventing her from “hitting bottom.”

Members of TPOA have said on Thursday publicly that Bolger should “do what is best for the City, and step down.”

Paul A Cunningham:

3/14/2013 M-1041-TR-13022802 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT
1/16/2013 M-1041-TR-13004575 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT
1/6/2011 M-1041-PK-400436185 PARKING
12/16/2009 M-1041-TR-9137532 FAIL TO STOP FOR RED LIGHT
7/7/2009 M-1041-PK-400675915 PARKING
8/14/2008 M-1041-TR-8093665 FAIL TO STOP FOR RED LIGHT
7/25/2008 M-1041-TR-8084265 FAIL TO STOP FOR RED LIGHT
11/26/2008 M-1041-TR-8141887 FAIL TO STOP FOR RED LIGHT
12/3/2007 M-1041-PK-400694143 PARKING
1/18/2001 M-1041-TR-1005476 CIVIL TRAFFIC


cunninghamdrunkJames T. Harriskatie bolgerPaul Cunninghamtpd