Who Are the Extremists?

“Are some of these folks really so beholden to one extreme wing of their party that they’re willing to tank the entire economy just because they can’t get their way on this issue,” asked Obama. “Are they really willing to hurt people just to score political points?”

While Obama was asking questions of the Republicans in Congress, he should have been asking these questions of members of his own party. The progressives and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have hijacked the Democratic Party. They rammed Obamacare down the throats of innocent Americans without any Republican votes. Who are the extremists, then? The extreme left wing of the Democratic Party: the so-called progressives and DSA (read neo-communist) members.

Obama is doing everything he can to shut down the government and blame it on Republicans. Why? Because he needs cover and distraction from the Benghazi scandal and murders of four innocent Americans; from the murder of Border Patrolman Brian Terry by a complicit Attorney General and criminal agents of the ATF; from the IRS targeting of innocent conservative groups that had “Patriot” in their organization names; and from the so-called hackneyed Syrian “solution.”

The president is unable to accept responsibility. Fully six years after he took office, he still blames a real president for his own incompetence and inexperience. Obama cries out that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. It is true. On Obama’s watch, the rich have gotten richer . . . especially the Wall Street fat cat friends of Obama.

Obama cries out that the gap in employment rates between America’s highest and lowest income families has grown to its widest span. It is true. It happened on Obama’s watch.

Obama cries out that America needs more jobs, especially for the middle class. Then Obama kills thousands of middle class jobs associated with the Keystone Pipeline.

Obamacare, all by itself, has killed more full-time jobs than any other piece of legislation. It is the largest tax increase in the history of the United States. It is a job destroyer.

Obama will not negotiate over the debt ceiling, an extremist and dangerous position for a president. Obama will not negotiate over the so-called flawed Obamacare law: another extremist and dangerous position for a president to take.

In Obama’s eyes, it’s either his way or the highway. This is really an extremist and dangerous position for a president to take.

The American people are no longer sleeping. Even the unions are crying that Obamacare is unfair. Obama intends to cut another illegal deal, giving the unions what they want. He did so for Congress. We now how multiple carve-outs for Obama constituents while the rest of America gets screwed by Obamacare.

Think of the gall of this president. He destroyed healthcare for 99% of America in order to provide healthcare to the 1% that did not have it. But you have to remember that Obamacare had nothing to do with healthcare – it was all about population control, mining and aggregating more and more information about each American, just like the National Security Agency (NSA) is doing.

And, if you look closely, in Obama’s Common Core education program, which is nothing less than nationalized education, each child may be tracked from pre-school to adulthood, with records kept on education, health care, parents, etc.

Isn’t all this data mining and aggregation a bit extreme? After all, no other American president went to this extreme to control and intimidate the population.

common coredemocratic partyDSAObamaobamacareprogressives