Our Founding Documents Supersede Obamacare

Americans are not required to obey an unjust law. What is an unjust law? It is one that is “contrary to right and justice, or to the enjoyment of his rights by another, or to the standards of conduct furnished by the laws.”1

Obamacare is such an unjust law. It requires you to give up a health care plan you chose , to accept a health care plan the government chose for you with benefits you may not need or want, to pay two to three times more than you did for your chosen plan, and to lose the doctors and hospitals you like and want to keep.

Our Founding Documents declare and enshrine our unalienable rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Our unalienable right to “Life” includes your right to choose, which precludes the government’s power to choose your health plan.

Our unalienable right to “Liberty” includes your right to choose, which precludes the government’s power to force a government program on you.

Our unalienable right to Pursuit of Happiness includes your right to choose, which precludes the use of government power against you.

By what right does a government choose your health care? It has no Constitutional right to choose your health care. It only has a demonstrable dictatorial power to impose on you, by force if necessary. This is the inherent danger of a single political party passing an unjust law no one else wanted. This is the type of action a communist, socialist, fascist or national socialist political party sponsors.

What can one individual do against an unjust law imposed by a totalitarian political party. You can nullify Obamacare. Do not enroll in Obamacare. Do not pay an unjust fine for refusing to obey an unjust law.

Any law that is passed by a single political party is automatically unjust because it is not balanced: it is a product of a single skewed political view. The Democratic Party is creating a breeding ground for new political elites much like the big government totalitarian dictatorships did under communism, national-socialism and fascism.

Each of these big government dictatorships had a charismatic leader. Nazi Germany had Hitler. Fascist Italy had Mussolini. Communism had Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. Big government USA has an arrogant, narcissist Barack Obama. What do all these leaders have in common? They are all serial liars.

Let’s stay with Obama. Over three years, Obama repeatedly said, “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan. Period.” “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” Today, it has been revealed that Obama knew three years ago that people could keep neither their health nor their doctor.

Then we have Obama’s record of lies on Benghazi . . . the IRS scandal . . . Fast and Furious, including Brian Terry’s murder . . . televising healthcare debates . . . on eliminating the income tax for seniors making less than $50,000 . . . his lies about ACORN involvement . . . the public will have five days to look at every bill that reaches his desk . . . shovel ready jobs . . . transparency . . . NSA spying on all Americans . . . the lies mount.

Obama desperately wants Americans to buy into his socialist health care program. Polling shows the majority of Americans do not want Obamacare. The Principle of Political Legitimacy holds that when those in authority (Obama) want us (Americans) to accept the law (behave, in Obama’s view), then it is a prerequisite that Obama must behave appropriately, i.e., ethically and legally. This principle is predicated on three fundamental requirements.

First, Americans who are asked to obey Obama, i.e., enroll in Obamacare, have to believe and feel that they have a voice, and that they will be heard. A single political party rammed Obamacare down the throats of Americans, 54% of whom are against Obamacare precisely because they believe they had no voice in the matter.

Second, Obamacare has to be certain, i.e., not subject to presidential whims and political bartering after passage. The law is anything but predictable. Obama has unilaterally and illegally delayed the mandate for businesses but not the mandate for individuals.

Third, Obamacare has to be administered fairly. There cannot be favored groups. However, Obama has favored unions and businesses exempting them from Obamacare taxes and fines while the majority of Americans are not. Additionally, Obama gave Congress a huge carrot by stating the government will pay for their health care in a way inconsistent with the law and totally different from the rest of Americans in Obamacare. Lastly, millions of Americans are unfairly losing their current health care coverage and will be forced into substandard Obamacare plans at higher prices.

Obamacare fails the proverbial Principle of Legitimacy smell test. It stinks to high heaven. It is an unjust law.

There is a way for Americans to survive this Democratic Party assault on our liberty. Just say “no.”

Say “no” to Healthcare.gov.

Say “no” to Obamacare.

Say “no” to the IRS penalty.

Let the American people nullify Obamacare by just saying “no.”

1 Henry Campbell Black, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised Fourth Edition, St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968.

Constitutional rightdemocratic partyfounding documentshealth care coverageHenry Campbell Blackobamacare