Obama’s Orwellian Administration

George Orwell’s 1984 provided an adjective of staggering proportions, “Orwellian,” that describes a government’s capacity to deceive and control. The Obama administration has excelled at not only deception and population control, it has succeeded beyond George Orwell’s wildest dreams. It is Orwellian on steroids.

The purpose of newspeak in Orwell’s book was to remove all shades of meaning from language. In newspeak, root words served as noun and verb. The purpose of newspeak was to limit individual thought and freedom of expression and provide government control over how its citizens communicated.

Today, we have moved from Oldspeak (Standard English) to Newspeak  (George Orwell) to Obamaspeak , where a terrorist act is not a terrorist act but “workplace violence” or “manmade disasters.”  The terms “terrorist” or terrorist threats” are no longer part of the Obama administration vocabulary. “Enemy combatants” are now  “detainees.”

Affordable Care Act” (ACA) describes health care that is not only not affordable but also health care where you cannot keep your health plan or your doctor. The ACA was supposed to create four million jobs; instead, it prevented millions jobs from being created by generating uncertainty in the marketplace.

The sudden surge of health plan cancelations caused by Obamacare was described by the Obama administration as “transitioning” people into “better” insurance policies. “Better” meant that 80-year women were paying for maternity coverage. “Better” meant that people paid more in premiums than they did under their old policies. In Obama’s alternate Alice in Wonderland universe, Obamacare was working as expected in contradiction to how it was sold: everything was upside down and backwards.

Voter I.D. has become, in the Democrat’s argot, “voter suppression.” An “extremist” is anyone who thinks differently than Obama’s administration dictates. This is akin to Orwell’s Oldthink, i.e. , holding on to thoughts an language not in line with current government policy.

In October 2014, Obama’s National Science Foundation announced that it had awarded a grant to study what people say in the social media. It is yet one more tyrannical step by the Obama administration to monitor the expressions and opinions of those who disagree with the administration. This is an extension of the National Security Agency unconstitutional overreach.

Two months ago, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) threatened to place federal agents in cable television newsrooms so it could examine how news stories are made and shaped. Interestingly, the FCC does not regulate cable television. This was one more attempt by the Obama administration to regulate and control the news, especially of news organizations that are not subservient to the administration: Obamaspeak in action.

This brings us to “Right wing” and left wing,” that suggests there are only two sources of information: it’s “us vs. them.” It ignores the fact there are multiple sources of information and more than two sides to an issue, except for a totalitarian oriented administration whose sole focus is power and control.

“Politically correct” is a scare tactic to enforce the principles of Obamaspeak. It is a means of erasing and demonizing opinions and ideas of the past. “Political correctness” is a deceptive and tyrannical enemy of free thought, reason and logic.

“Global warming,” in the eyes of Democrats, is an eco-religion based on political faith because scientific evidence conclusively does not exist showing  man is causing the earth’s temperature to increase. In fact, the earth is in a cooling phase. The climate religionists in East Anglia University have even resorted to fabricating evidence in support of global warming (they were caught at it). Remember the hockey stick.

Obamaspeak is not restricted to Democrats. This disease infects Republicans too. U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (and former FBI agent), during a hearing on NSA surveillance, said, “You can’t have your privacy violated if you don’t know your privacy is violated.” Excuse me. If the proverbial tree falls in the forest, it will make a noise whether anyone is there or not.  Privacy can be and haswithout violated without people knowing their privacy was violated. That’s what secrecy is all about.

Another example of Obamaspeak is Obama’s statement that, “ISIL is not Islamic.” ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (Levant just means the east shores of the Mediterranean).  Repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to accept the lie.

“’This is the most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered,’ New York Times Washington correspondent David Sanger told the Washington Post in a report on the state of journalism under Obama.”

Mr. Sanger’s is a gross understatement.

Mr. SangernewspeakObamaspeakOldspeakOrwellian