African men from Ebola countries seek asylum at southern border

Sources have confirmed that a group of men from Africa, some from Ebola plagued countries, sought asylum this month at a port of entry on the southern border.

According to one source, “They did show up seeking asylum. Some were from Ebola countries. They were medically screened and since they were outside of the 21 day window and did not show any symptoms. They were processed like any other person seeking asylum.”

The source confirmed the information which had been given to popular Tucson radio show host James T. Harris earlier this week. Harris’s source claimed that they were worried for the welfare of the agents who were exposed to the 11 asylum seekers.

Harris’s source reported, “The uda’s (undocumented aliens) were turned over to the CDC and are currently somewhere in the U.S. They said that there are about 40 more scattered throughout Mexico ready to come in.”

On December 28, 2014, Fox News reported that White House Ebola czar Ron Klain said on Sunday that Americans should expect more domestic cases.

“We will see (cases) from time to time,” Klain told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “There’s still work to be done in Sierra Leone and Guinea. But we’re nearing a pivot point.”

For agents and their families, the pivot point has already arrived along the southern border. They are saying that the federal government needs to pivot in the direction of sealing the border.
According to Fox News, “Klain said the Ebola vaccine recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration is scheduled for release in three to four weeks and will help “tens of thousands of people.”

Arizona State Representative Bob Thorpe (LD-6) said, “The federal government has been less than truthful about Ebola and has repeatedly dropped the ball in stopping Ebola from entering and potentially spreading within the United States. Other nations have banned flights and immigration from Ebola-stricken nations, while U.S. Federal officials have displayed little concern, almost a cavalier attitude about keeping this deadly disease out of our nation and communities. With a national debt of over $18 Trillion ($10+ Trillion added since 2008), a broken nationalized Obamacare healthcare system, a stalled recovery and continued high unemployment, the U.S. simply cannot afford to allow this deadly and expensive disease to take hold within our shores, placing our families and communities at risk. At a healthcare cost of about $500,000 each, we also cannot afford to treat non-citizens, who potentially have Ebola, and who are arriving at our borders seeking asylum.”

AFRICANarizona state representative bob thorpeasylumBob ThorpeborderBorder Patrolebola