Bernie Sanders: The Epitome of an Amoral Socialist

Bernie Sanders rails against income inequality, climate change, an unjust society, wealthy people, and America in general.  Like other Democrats, he is always angry and hateful, damning the successful in the name of a dwindling middle class his own party has undermined.

Pope Leo, in his famous encyclical, Rerum Novarum, clearly nailed the evilness of socialism: “Hence, it is clear that the main tenet of socialism, community of goods, must be utterly rejected, since it only injures those whom it would seem to benefit, is directly contrary to the natural rights of mankind. . .”

Bernie Sanders said it is immoral that the top one tenth of one percent owns as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Sanders rails against income inequality, ignoring the fact, as pointed out by George Will, that “the fundamental producer of income inequality is freedom.” But Sander’s solution is to immorally redistribute the wealth from those who produce to those who only consume: a violation of our natural rights.

Socialism is, in itself, an evil amoral philosophy. Those that promote and practice socialism are themselves evil and amoral. Socialists wish to steal from the producers. Socialists are basically looters. This is what Obama did to the bond holders of General Motors: took ownership away from the legal owners and gave it to the union, which neither earned nor purchased ownership.

Sanders conflates the terms justice and immoral. He is really talking about the concept of social justice, which is a socialist term covering wealth distribution (or a “balancing” of benefits and burdens), equal outcome rather than equal opportunities, and equal pay for equal positions regardless of the quality of work produced.

Social justice as a concept is utopia: it cannot be implemented. Socialists argue that certain basic needs must be offered to all. These basic needs included equal education, free college, food shelter and medical care. The tragedy of socialism is that everywhere it has been tried it failed.

Look at the United States. Fifty million people in the SNAP (food stamp) program. forty-five million people in poverty due to the lack of jobs caused by Democrat policies. The national debt has doubled under Obama to just under $19 trillion. To paraphrase Maggie Thacher, sooner or later the Socialist Democrats are going to run out of other peoples’ money.

Even today, socialists in the Democratic Party are calling for “free” college education.  First, someone has to pay for this so-called “free” college education. After all, professors will not work for “free.” Then there is the problem of colleges. Not all colleges are equal. Then there is the problem of people. Not all people have the same intelligence level, the same skill sets, and the same learning ability.

Social justice was attempted at Jamestown. It failed. Too many people did not work. The same problem we have in the United States: too many people abusing the SNAP (food stamp) program; too many healthy, able bodied people on welfare when they should be working; too many people fraudulently dependent on government when they should be working for a living. This is the end result of ‘so-called” social justice.

This is what Bernie Sanders wants. At his Liberty University speech, Sanders railed against the rich for being successful when 45 million people lived in poverty. Yet Obamacare, which Sanders voted for, destroyed full time jobs in favor of part-time jobs that moved people into poverty levels.  Labor non-participation rates are horrible now.

As of September 2014, 6.9 million fewer Americans are looking for work. This decrease accounts for almost all the unemployment reduction rate since 2009 because those not looking for work don’t count as unemployed. Americans are out of work and living in poverty because of Democrat policies.

Bernie Sanders railed that, ”there is no justice when thousands of Americans die every single year because they do not have any health insurance and did not go to a doctor when they should. I have talked to doctors throughout Vermont and physicians around the country. And without exception, they tell there are times when patients walk into their office very, very sick and they say, why didn’t you come in here when you’re sick? And the answer is, I do not have any health insurance or I have a high deductible or I thought the problem would get better. And sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes they die because they lack health insurance. This is not justice. That is not morality.”

This time I agree with Sanders. It’s not justice. It’s not morality. It’s stupidity on the part of the individual. By law, every hospital emergency room must provide service to a sick person, whether that person has health insurance or not. Bernie Sanders is trying to cure stupidity through Obamacare. Yet Obamacare is the source of the problem.

Rural hospitals are closing due to Obamacare. Doctors are refusing to see Medicaid patients because of the low government reimbursement rates. Doctors are cutting back on their hours or retiring outright. Less medical school graduates are opting for family practice due to low compensation in comparison to specialty doctors. Obamacare has done more to destroy health care in America than any other cause. This is the end result of so-called social justice.

Want to keep your doctor? You can’t. Want to keep your health plan? You can’t. Want to pay less for health care. No way. Social justice is replete with lies and dishonesty. The American Association of Medical Colleges stated that America will need an additional 91,500 doctors by 2020 to meet demand. This number will not be met. We’re losing doctors at too fast a rate.

Bernie Sanders’ socialist philosophy is evil and amoral. By definition, so is Sanders. He tries to cloak his amoral social justice advocacy under a moral imperative but it turns out to be the same socialist garbage. You can’t put lipstick on a pig, as they say.

So, in today’s world, what is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist? There is none. The Democrat Party has moved so far left that Kennedy Democrats are now right of center.

America in generalAmoral Socialistan unjust societybernie sandersclimate changeEpitomeIncome InequalityPope Leorails againstRerum Novarumwealthy people