The Establishment Has Gone Crazy

When Rome burned, Nero played the fiddle. While the leadership in Washington, D.C. collapses, President Obama sings about global warming and political correctness. The media ignores a lousy economy, a 20 Trillion dollar national debt, a bribed Congress with lobbyists cash, a war on terrorism by a politically compromised military and a failed tax code. The town hall debates are focused on non-economic issues, distractions about abortion, gay rights, minimum wages and senseless speculation of who is fit to be President.  In addition, we witness pushy anti-Trump ‘gangs” that attempt to rudely challenge Donald Trump when leaving a rally. Like Rome, America is burning.

It appears our politicians and lawyer-Judges are not the brightest people in interpreting the Constitutional separation of Church and State. Government should not issue marriage licenses, but should only be tasked with issuing permits to live together as a union with business and tax rights. Marriage rites should be left to the various Churches to sort out within their denominational beliefs.

The Library of Congress stepped way beyond their charter to tell the public that the term, “illegal alien” is not a politically correct term. These people who climb the fence to enter the US are breaking the law and should be called criminals.

Most politicians have no marketable skills and just BS the public. They are unable to provide solutions, as they have no experience in owning and running a business, meeting the payroll and paying taxes. Newscasters do not let us hear what the candidates are really saying by showing only bits and sound bites of speeches.  I don’t need newscasters to tell me about what they think the candidate is saying. I want to hear what the candidate is saying and make my own conclusions.

In the “good old days” of the 1930’s, we had Will Rogers, an Oklahoma cowboy who kept the government, media and politicians in line with his humor. Schools and colleges no longer teach students on how to be competitive nor understand our constitution.  What they learn is how to be sheep who just bleep and whine when a business leader like Donald Trump shows up and all they do is protest his right to freedom of speech.  Trump has real life experience in business and the protestors could learn a lot by listening instead of protesting.

It was business skill that built the railroads across our nation and created a market for steel and labor, while opening America for settlement. Before World War I, President Teddy Roosevelt secured an easement through Panama so Engineers could design and construct a water route from sea to sea that fueled world trade for the U.S.  In the 1950’s, our economy boomed with building a freeway system of highways, constructing hydroelectric projects on our major rivers and construction of major housing developments.

By the mid 1980’s, those politicians with no marketable skills caused our economy to begin to slide, with a free “give-away” society that hampered business expansion. Also, the same politicians assumed that Democracy was an exportable ideology by fighting wars using our American service men and women to prop up failing and corrupt governments. A new brand of socialism that “big government” knows best, was invented by these unskilled politicians.

The State of the Union in reality, is actually nearly 20 Trillion dollars in debt led by “big government” politicians under the guise of climate change are instituting an anti-business society that robs our citizens of the freedoms established in our Constitution.

A sound business approach would first address stopping jobs being outsourced and selling our land and businesses to foreign countries.  We need to eliminate the exit of corporate enterprise, which would be best achieved by revising and simplifying our tax code. Another example that is making America unfriendly for business is a minority of “noisy yapping dogs.” These gangs and packs of protestors include the Audubon Society, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, Native Conservative and their alliances with the Bureau of Land management, Fish and Wildlife and other Federal agencies. It is a vicious collusion of whiners with no marketable engineering skills to overcome, with available technology, the environmental hazards and concerns they so strongly voice.  These anti-business socialists are committed to stealing investors’ money and reducing America to a debtor, third-world nation economy.

Closer to home, those who attempt to derail our economy in Arizona includes lawsuits to stop mine development at Rosemont, Superior and Baghdad, Arizona. They have attacked the Tribute development in Sierra Vista and Villages of Vigneto in Benson. Their reach includes confronting the Buffalo Soldier Road extension to Mosen Road and even a much needed electrical transmission line to upgrade our power grid.

We have only one clear choice to make “America Great Again,” and that is by electing Donald Trump as our next President!  He has the proven marketable business skills to restore our economy by jumpstarting the economic engines. In comparison, those with no marketable skills of any kind stopped the Keystone Pipeline and the construction of a liquid gas terminal in Coos Bay, Oregon. They are the real enemy of our country since they are nothing more than economic terrorists.

Many news commentators are like vultures who speculate on how Donald Trump is unfit to  lead our country as President. We need to hear more news commentators who are pro-Donald Trump, as our country is in deep trouble and he has the skills to lead us out of this crisis. A similar leader, Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930’s, initiated many programs, such as Civil Conservation Camps (CCC), Works Progress Administration (WPA). The National Recovery Act (NRA) and even building of the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. At the time, the whiners flooded the press with their complaints that the dam was not needed for all the electric power that would be generated. However, during WWII, this source of electric power made tons of aluminum needed to build war planes.  Today, we are still faced with these jackasses who are handicapping the business leadership. We need leadership of progress that depends on, “Get with it or get out of the way.”

The Republican political establishment is like a conclave of “skunks in a pissing contest” who will lose the general election to the Democrats. Why has every group gone crazy in this primary election season? The answer is obvious: the non-performers in the White House, in the media, in the Republican establishment, in the lobbyist Empire and the politicians who have labelled Donald Trump the Big Bad Wolf who has to be stopped. They all know that Trump will stop them cold!

CrazyestablishmentfiddleNeroplayedRome burned