The Forgotten American

Who is the forgotten American? He is the everyday American discriminated against by socialists and progressives. She is the true victim of the Hillary Clintons of the world. He is the American who is part of the 92 million forgotten unemployed.

She is the American who has to pay for all the “free stuff” the socialists and progressives give away to their voters.  She is the American working two or three part-time jobs because Obamacare killed the job market. He is “the forgotten one at the bottom of the pyramid.”

The forgotten American is one of the seventy percent who believes the country is on the wrong track.  The forgotten American knows that socialism and progressivism are the same and not a solution for America. The forgotten American does not fit into Hillary’s America or Obama’s America.

Hillary calls Trump a danger to national security yet ignores her own treachery against America.  Hillary breached and violated national security with her private server. Trump has never violated national security.

Hillary thinks America is already great. We have the largest national debt in our country’s history.  The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States is in its weakest recovery since 1949. The economy only grew 1.2% in the second quarter. The United States is on the wrong track.

Hillary believes Obamacare is a statistical success even while it is a financial and healthcare disaster. A majority of the American people disapproves of Obamacare. Hillary and Obamacare work for the political elite, not the forgotten American

Health care costs are soaring. Obama is trying to delay the premium increases so to not adversely affect the election. Yet, Americans have less choice of doctors, hospitals and health plans. Again, the elite doesn’t care about the forgotten American.

Because of Obamacare full-time versus part-time rulings, employers started moving more workers to part-time status to avoid the onerous penalties of Obamacare. Additionally, Obamacare introduced major uncertainty into the workplace causing employers to be even more cautious. And Hillary wants to continue Obama’s failed policies.

Hillary sold access, favors and American real estate (to the Russians) in return for millions of dollars. That’s why she thinks the economy is great (for her) but not the forgotten American.

Hillary says Obama does not get enough credit for saving the United States from the great recession but fails to acknowledge that Democrat mismanagement of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not only caused the recession but also Obama’s actions as president prolonged the recession.  The economy works for Hillary, not the forgotten American.

Hillary accuses Trump of inviting Russia to hack the United States when he asked Russia to see if they already had Hillary’s missing 30,000 emails. Hillary ignores the fact that only the use of her personal, illegal private server gave Russia the opportunity to hack unsecured national security communications.

Hillary’s Democratic convention failed to mention ISIS in the first sixty-one speeches.  Democrats cannot utter “Islamo- Jihadism.” They also cannot utter “the forgotten American.”

Hillary hosted all the Mothers of criminal perps. Trump hosted the Mothers of Hillary’s murder victims and the families of slain police officers.

Hillary wants to run on a third Obama term, even though the middle class is dwindling in numbers, take home wages are a fraction of what they were ten years ago . . . and it all happened on Obama’s watch and Hillary wants to continue Obama’s policies.

Hillary and Obama not only recreated the forgotten American, neither of them gives a damn about the forgotten American.

What happened to our forgotten Americans?

AmericanForgottenfree stuffHeobamacaresheThe Forgotten American