America’s Political Crime Family

Full disclosure: I have a multi-ethnic-multi-cultural family. My extended family incudes British, French, American Blacks, Chinese, Eritreans, Hispanics, and Jews. Why do I declare this full disclosure? What I have to write about partly concerns race.

Barack Obama got away with his big government, socialist agenda because Democrats and Republicans were afraid to criticize Obama because of his race. Any White president would have been impeached for Obama’s repeated violations of the Constitution. Eric Holder was right in one regard: Americans are cowards when it comes to discussion of race.

I blame Democrats for the disaster of Obamacare. Only the Democrats (not one Republican) voted in to pass the bill. Big government socialist Democrats passed this monstrous 2300 page bill without even reading it. If Trump can repeal and replace, which I fervently support, it will be one more repudiation of Obama’s disastrous policies.

In addition, Obamacare is not only the continued subject of legal challenges but also it is in a final death spiral; Obama’s wrong-headed transgender rights policy is under attack and in the courts; his overtime policy is in the courts; his net neutrality polices are being legally challenged. Most of these cases will reach the Supreme Court after Obama leaves office.

Donald Trump is the president-elect. The radical socialist left, that expected a coronation of Hillary Clinton, is aghast.  Hillary was supposed to be president-elect. GASP! George Soros gives the go-ahead to to organize demonstrations by paid professional demonstrators, the same people known as the “occupy movement” or the “99 percenters.” These people are professional agitators of George Soros. The question is: when will the FBI grow the cojones to go after George Soros for sowing such destruction.

The Democratic Party and Barack Obama’s administration repeatedly have proven how criminally corrupt they are. If Obama cannot deal with Congress, he openly goes around Congress. He signs Executive Orders and enforces thenm like laws even though Executive Orders are, for the most part, policy guidance only for the executive branch. Fortunately, Obama cannot go around the courts.

The Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and the expanded version, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy (DACA) are both on hold.

Eric Holder, Obama’s first Attorney General, initiated and managed through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Fast & Furious, the unlawful scandal that resulted in many deaths, to include Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

Eric Holder became the first cabinet secretary to be held in contempt of Congress for his failure to turn over documents related to Fast & Furious to Congress.  Holder is the most unlawful Attorney general in history. Yet, criminal charges were not brought against Holder. One just doesn’t charge the first Black Attorney General, regardless of crimes he has committed.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lied to the American people and to the families of the men killed in Benghazi. Ambassador Stevens was sent to Libya to coordinate retrieval of military weapons, stinger missiles, shipped to Ansar al Sharia, a terrorist Islamist militia calling for the implementation of strict Sharia law across Libya. . It was Hillary Clinton’s State Department that supplied the missiles to our enemy.

Obama and John Koskinen, head of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), corruptly politicized the IRS, leading to the persecution of the Tea Party and other conservative groups. This persecution effectively aided the president’s reelection.

The Justice Department under Loretta Lynch, was caught in a secret meeting with Bill Clinton two days prior to FBI Director Comey’s announcement not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for the email scandal.

And now we have Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and her “pay to play” violations. Former FBI official James Kallstrom has described Bill and Hillary Clinton as a “crime family.” He also charged that top officials in the Department of Justice, and higher, have hindered the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.

The FBI continues to investigate deals with the Clinton Foundations and the “pay to play” activities , which allows the Clinton’s to amass $350 million since leaving the White House “broke.” Now we have Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice frantically attempting to prevent the FBI from indicting Hillary Clinton.

Imagine, the Department of Justice, a department that should be enforcing the law, is frantically trying to suppress law enforcement and ensuring a criminal cover-up. It’s analogous to Wikileaks and Drudge becoming examples of the free and independent  “watchdog press,” while the main-stream-media, violating all journalistic ethics canons, became a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are right. What happened to the “forgotten American,” the working class man and woman trying to make ends meet?  Barack Obama proudly lies to the American people when he says the economy is good and we have had the longest streak of private sector job growth on record. Really? There are 92 million Americans not in the labor force. New jobs created are either part-time, low paying or both.

October 2016 Annual Payroll growth declined to a forty-two month low. Full-time employment declined by 103,000 in October. While the government cooks the books on unemployment rates (U-3 and U-6), Shadow Stats shows the Alternate unemployment rate at 22.9%, which is consistent with the labor non-participation rate. U-3 and U-6 declines were caused by people leaving the labor force, not new jobs. Real Construction spending remained down by -24% from its pre-recession high.

We already know the Democratic primary was rigged from the beginning. The unethical conduct of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile was exposed after the primary. The fix was in with the main-stream-media, who actively supported Hillary Clinton.

A Marketplace-Edison Research poll published in June 2016 found that 71% of poll respondents agree that the economy is rigged, reflecting the opinions of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. This sentiment held firm across ethnicity, class, age and gender cohorts. An enormous 83 percent of African-Americans agreed that the economy is rigged and 80% of people ages 18-24 also agreed.

If Hillary Clinton had won the Electoral College, the United States would have installed Crime Incorporated in the White House. Thank God the American people voted for Trump and against Clinton. Our “forgotten Americans” realized that the Democratic Party is nothing less than an organized criminal cartel, a political crime family, and voted the Democrats out. There is a God, after all.



America'sAmerican BlacksBritishChinesecrimeEritreansFamilyFrenchhispanicsJews.multi-ethnicPolitical