Ex-Tucson Firefighter Sentenced For Triple Murder

Earlier this year, David Dwayne Watson was convicted of two counts of First Degree Murder and one count of Second Degree Murder.

In 2000, Linda Watson, Watson’s ex-wife, disappeared during a custody fight over their daughter. Linda’s skull was found in 2003, and was identified as hers in 2011.

In 2003, while fighting for visitation rights of Watson’s child, Linda’s mother Marilyn Cox, and family friend Renee Farnsworth were gunned down. This case was prosecuted by Deputy County Attorneys Jonathan Mosher and Nicol Green.

Watson was sentenced on April 17, 2017, by Pima County Superior Court Judge Deborah Bernini, to two consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole until 25 years are served and an additional sixteen-year consecutive sentence in the Arizona Department of Corrections.

David Dwayne WatsonLinda WatsonTucson Firefighter