What If the Radical Left Just Disappeared?

What would happen if the radical left just disappeared? For starters, the random shootings and knifing of innocent people by Bernie Sander’s supports would stop. Soros supported riots around the country would stop.

Ninety-nine percent of reporters at major news media organizations would disappear.  The New York Times, Washington Post, et. al., would be closed. Anonymous and fabricated sources would stop. The leftist media filibuster of the President’s agenda would cease. The quality, integrity and credibility of news stories would soar. FBI leaks would cease.

NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN news organization will crease operations. Senior executive personnel at these networks will disappear.

Left wing anti-American groups like the Shadow Party, Southern Poverty Law Center, Antfa, Organization for Action, Black Lives Matter, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Democrat Socialists for America, Movement for a Democratic Society, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Refuse and Resist!, Open Society Institute, and Moveon.org, Advancement Project,  et. al., would disappear.

In addition, anti-American agitator/pro-socialists like George Soros, Rob Stein, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Cornel West, Henry Waxman, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Dick Durbin, Al Gore, Louis Farrakhan, John Conyers, Tammy Baldwin, Luis Gutierrez, Maxine Waters, et. al.,  would disappear .

God and Christmas would become respectful and revered again. Political correctness would disappear. Newsspeak would disappear. Collectivism would disappear, along with the illiberal and intolerant politics of the radical left. Courts would interpret the law instead of making law.

Respect for the rule of law would return. The Pledge of Allegiance would return to classrooms. Prayers in the public space would return. Religious liberty would be restored. NFL players taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem would disappear. The Constitution will once again be respected. The rule of law, rather than the arbitrary evil collectivist ideology, will prevail.

Republicans and independents will be able to attend Town Hall meeting without fear of violence. Forty-eight percent of the U.S. Senate would and forty-five percent of the House would disappear, facilitating the passage of meaningful legislation. President appointments following advise and consent protocol would not be delayed.  The size of the American government would dramatically decrease, relieving taxpayers of an onerous tax burden.

The liberal bubbles in Washington, D.C., New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago and Seattle will have burst. School systems in these cities will temporarily close for lack of teachers but the children will be free of indoctrination. The left would no longer oppress minority students; they will be able to attend charter and magnet schools.

There would be few universities and colleges left but the remaining schools would no longer have to put up with political correctness.  Free speech would be re-established at colleges. Guest speakers could speak without fear of riotous attacks by so-called fragile snow-flakes.

Worthless majors would disappear. Real learning would happen. Universities and colleges would become more affordable.

Of course, Hollywood would downsize by 90%. The crap Hollywood churns out would cease. The remaining 10% of Hollywood could focus on quality filmmaking. The foolish “world pronouncements” by functional illiterates who think they are God’s gift to society would cease.

A country without radical left violence and evil collectivist programs would mean we could again subscribe to our American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We could continue to improve upon this wonderful experiment our Founding Fathers bequeathed us:

“WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union . . .”

radical leftSouthern poverty Law Center