Pima B. O. S. and ADOT Have Forgotten A Few Things

Open Letter By Olga Barnett Ortiz

It seems the Board of Supervisors and ADOT have forgotten a few things..

The Board of Supervisors Resolution 2007-343 which concludes, “… the Pima County Board of Supervisors opposes the construction of any new highways in or around the County that have the stated purpose of bypassing the existing Interstate 10 as it is believed that the environmental, historic, archaeological and urban form impacts could not be adequately mitigated.”

As you know, the Sonoran Corridor was rejected by Pima County voters in the 2015 bond election. The voters never approved the millions ADOT is spending on the study process.

Using I-19 and I-10 or Old Nogales Highway would eliminate the extra expensive the County Administrators propose through the unbuilt 3,000 acre Diamond Ventures Swan Southlands development. It would also satisfy the Nation by-passing the San Xavier District.

With the roads in Pima County in disrepair and grossly unsafe  – remember Grant road?  Voters can not continue to provide additional funds for Pima County’s agendas. The Sonoran Corridor definitely qualifies as Pima County’s own agenda. Taxpayers should not be forced to assist profitable enterprises like Raytheon, UofA Tech Park  and the Tucson Airport. Especially when Pima County doesn’t properly use funds provided for road repairs. We don’t need an “auxiliary interstate” – just maintain our current interstates.

We also don’t need I-11 through Saguaro National Park West, and Ironwood Reserve to disrupt and destroy the communities, wildlife and archaeological riches of the area.



P.S. NO! – On raises for Mayor and Board of Supervisors!


ADOTB O SFewForgottenHavePimaThings