What the Alt Left, Alt Right, ISIS, Taliban and Al Quada Have in Common

President Trump raised the issue on Twitter: “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can’t change history but you can learn from it. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, – who’s next, Washington, Jefferson?”

When President Trump rightfully blamed both sides (Alt Left and Alt Right) for the violence in Charlottesville, he was right. But the Zombie Main-Stream-Media (ZMSM) only focused on the Alt Right groups but, strangely, not the Alt Left. We know that the Alt Right consists of White supremacist groups. What groups make up the Alt Left?

Let’s start with the most violent Alt left terrorist groups: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Phoenix Anarchist Coalition, Anarchist Black Cross, and the Klu Klux Klan (KKK). For those of you that think the KKK is an Alt Right group, I refer you history: the KKK was the White supremacist militant arm of the Democratic Party. The KKK enforced Jim Crow laws, lynched innocent blacks, and destroyed Black homes and churches.

Antifa is essentially not anti-fascist but pro Nazi, for the tactics they employ are similar to Hitler’s Black Shirts. They are not a new phenomenon, They surfaced during the Occupy movement and members of both organizations easily make the transition to the other group, as manpower needs change. Antifa represents the militant fringe of “The Resistance,” the far left anti-U.S. Government movement promoted by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Antifa is an anti-American terrorist group that uses threat, force and destruction to enforce its Nazi orientation.

Black Lives Matter is a race based, racist hate group. Black Lives Matter encourages hate and target police. If a White group encouraged hate and target police it would rightfully be labeled a hate group. However, the ZMSM, the Southern Poverty law Center and the People for the American Way give cover to Black Lives Matter, that, by the way, is funded by George Soros. Black Lives Matter is a classic terrorist group.

Supporting Alt Left organizations include the Southern Poverty Law Center, the American Civil Liberties Union, Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist party USA, Revolutionary Communist Party USA, The Ruckus Society, The Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and, of course, the dozens of George Soros organizations that fund the violence.

The Alt Right stereotypes Jews and the evil conspiracies designed to destroy White people. The Alt Left is a mirror image of the Alt Right, except instead of Jews upper class Whites, especially on Wall Street, are the enemy. The Alt Left depends on identity politics and the notion that people of color, women, the LGBT community and whatever other minority they conjure up are going to be destroyed by the upper class Whites. Each side demonizes entire groups of people because of race, ethnicity, skin color, and religion, while simultaneously glorifying the alleged oppressed. Both groups, Alt Left and Alt Right, are reprehensible in terms of philosophy and tactics.

So what do the Alt Left, Alt Right, ISIS, Taliban and Al Quada have in common? They all tear down historical statues and monuments in an attempt to either revise or destroy history and subjugate humanity. These five movements are not only evil but also immorally equivalent. And those that deny the Alt Left even exists are also evil and immorally equivalent. This specifically describes and includes our ZMSM.

Al QuadaAlt LeftAlt RightCommonisisJeffersonPresident TrumpRobert E. LeeStonewall JacksonTalibanWashington