McSally Calls For Congress To Address DACA

On Friday, Rep. Martha McSally joined a lawmakers in a request that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan take action on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. For years Congress has refused to accept the responsibility of addressing the issue for strictly political reasons.

Because Congress has failed to act, the White House promised a decision on the matter on Tuesday. On Friday, Trump stated, “”We love the Dreamers.”

After Trump’s comment, Ryan said in an interview on WCLO in Janesville, Wisconsin that he believed DACA is “something that congress has to fix.” Ryan was referring to Congress.

McSally’s letter expresses disagreement with how President Obama established this program by usurping Congressional law making authority, and resolves that Congress is responsible for determining the future of the program—not the President, according to her press release.

The full letter text:

September 1, 2017
The Honorable Paul D. Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232, United States Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Ryan,

As you are aware, due to potential legal action being led by Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton and attorneys general from nine other states, President Trump is currently facing a September 5 deadline to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Created in 2012 by President Barack Obama, the DACA program provides prosecutorial discretion to defer removal action against people who entered the United States illegally as children.

Since its inception, the federal government has approved approximately 795,000 initial DACA applications and 924,000 renewals. DACA recipients have contributed both to the U.S. economy and our society. Since being approved for DACA status, an overwhelming majority of these individuals have enrolled in school or found employment. Most have also increased their average earnings and many have served in the military, opened businesses or purchased homes.

We did not support the way that President Obama established this program and usurped Congressional law making authority. However, these individuals have come forward and provided the federal government with their personal information and biometrics. It would be wrong to go back on our word and subject these individuals to deportation.

In February, President Trump stated that DACA recipients are “incredible kids” and that he was going to “deal with DACA with heart.” We are encouraged by previous statements made by the White House. Regardless, these individuals’ status in the United States should not be left to the political winds of different administrations that come to power. Congress has a responsibility and a duty to address this problem legislatively and was robbed of the opportunity to do so when President Obama issued his June 2012 memorandum. We are willing and ready to find a solution no matter what action is taken by President Trump in the coming days and encourage you to work with us as soon as possible to do so.


Martha McSally
