Why I Cancelled My Subscription

   David V MacCollum

For some time now, I have given much thought about cancelling my subscription to the Sierra Vista Herald Review.

For over fifty years I have had a subscription to the Herald, beginning with the first owner Ki Richards, when the Herald was first purchased by Walter Wick, who lived next door to Barry Goldwater in Phoenix. He was a true Republican conservative, and would not slander those who he disagreed with. The current publisher, Jennifer Sorenson has let the content of the Herald get totally out of hand. The front page of the Friday, September 1, 2017 issue of the Herald showed the American flag upside down. The headline, “Rallying for a Reason” with an inserted picture reading, No Nazi’s, No KKK, No White supremacists and large half inch letters, NO TRUMP.

I voted for President Trump, and find this attack on our elected president extremely offensive. It is un-called for a statement “No Trump” – to me it is treasonous in nature and shows complete disrespect for the office of our President of the United States of America. I want no part of the staff that has no respect for our President.

It is no excuse to point to our two Arizona senators who have become loose-cannons, pandering to the far-left liberals for votes. Both Senators were elected as Republicans and they both should remain loyal to the Republican constituents that voted them into office.

I watched on television President Trump’s rally at the Phoenix Convention Center on August 22nd, and a friend of mine and his wife attended the rally. They reported that their entry to the convention center, along with several thousand other attendees was orderly. After the rally, both my friend and the TV news reported that outside there were a 100 or so protestors who got ugly and began throwing rocks and bottles at police and cursing the rally attendees as they left the area. It seems that the article about Ira Yedlin of Bisbee in the Herald on pages 8 and 9 is incomplete. I believe that the Phoenix Police opened fire with rubber bullets and tear gas only on individuals engaged in violence. Ira admitted to his history of attending protests starting with the Vietnam War. My observation is, why participate with only about a hundred protestors against several thousand people who wanted to hear what President Trump had to say? My belief is that protests leading to violence are a serial abomination when there are so many ways to present a meaningful alternate viewpoint peacefully.

The media and journalists have lost their way. Instead of praising the winners, they whine for the losers. As part of the greatest generation, we grew up in the grinding depression, learned the value of opportunity and most of all, respected our leaders and elected officials. At the beginning of WWII, after Pearl Harbor, most of us did not wait for the draft, but enlisted in our military services because we believed in our President and his decisions. After the War, we were richly rewarded with the GI Bill, which gave us a college education and marketable skills. It seems to me that academia has made an unholy union with the media, and teaching students how to protest and defile our President. The 1950’s and 1960’s were days when we loved President John Kennedy who provided what is quite possibly one of his most famous quotes:

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what can you do for your country.”

I really wish that I was 40 years younger, because President Trump has been stripping only the bonds that bind free enterprise. Happy days are here again, for those with spunk. There is now lots of low hanging fruit for those willing to work and use their marketable skills. In the land of the free and home of the brave, there is no need to protect or use the press to defame our President.

It truly bothers me that our local paper boldly proclaimed NO TRUMP. Our President is trying to drain the swamp of the crooks who have been stealing from our country and hiding behind “fake news” that promotes worthless social issues. I feel our local paper is best positioned to report local affairs only! The Herald/Review should not lower its community service by engaging in evil national partisanship politics that create division in the community. Shame on the Herald/Disaster for engaging in NO TRUMP politics.
