Phoenix Mayor Stanton To Run For Arizona’s 9th Congressional District

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton announced his intent to run for Arizona’s ninth district in the 2018 election. Stanton hopes to replace Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema. He will resign to run.

Sinema announced last month that she will be running in the U.S. Senate Democratic Primary for the seat held by Senator Jeff Flake

Stanton announced his run on Facebook. He posted:

“It’s been the honor of my life to serve as Mayor of Phoenix. But with what’s happening in Washington, we need representatives who will fight for our community and protect our most vulnerable. Arizonans deserve better than what we’re getting from Washington, and there has never been a more consequential time in the fight to protect the middle class. In Congress, I’ll continue to do what we’ve done in Phoenix: deliver real results that improve people’s lives.”

After Stanton’s announcement, Phoenix City Councilman Daniel Valenzuela announced he would run for mayor.

Greg Stantonphoenixstanton