Exploited Immaturity

David Hogg is a foul-mouth, immature spoiled child. He is an aspiring journalist, who should fit in nicely with the dishonest left–wing main-stream-news media.  Even though the National Rifle Association (NRA) had absolutely no connection to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Hogg has been attacking the NRA as if it had. This false targeting and false narrative fits in nicely with the radical left’s attempt to cancel the Second Amendment.

Hogg’s choice of words must make his parents very proud.  He’s called Republicans “sick f***ers,” he described Dana Loesch as “hypocritical and disgusting for correctly criticizing Broward Sheriff Scott Israel, and accused Senator Marco Rubio of being bribed by the NRA to give away children’s lives, an absolutely ludicrous statement in and of itself. It really shows a teenager who has demonstrated mental and emotional issues through his vicious verbal attacks.

Fox anchor Laura Ingraham tweeted about a number of colleges turning down Hogg’s applications. The tweet was ill-advised. But Hogg’s vicious attacks on Laura Ingram and his efforts to shut down her program by removing advertisers is very radical left. If Hogg and his allies don’t like a program, they don’t turn the dial, they try and shut down the program. This is right out of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Even after Ingram apologized, Hogg was not mature enough to accept the apology.

David Hogg is full of himself. While he is unsure of what he’ll do after graduating, he is quoted as saying, “At this point, we’re already changing the world.” Surely, it is a statement a bit over the top. Hogg hasn’t changed anything. He has radical left backers exploiting him, yet he’s not smart enough to see the exploitation.

Hogg has said he became an activist (read radical socialist) because adult don’t know how to “use f**king democracy.”  He continues, “When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like ,’Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to.”  Hogg’s parents should be very proud of their foul-mouthed son.

So David, let me enlighten you. Democracy is government by the people, in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them or their elected representatives under a free electoral system. One does not “use democracy” to bludgeon other people. David Hogg is an example of a failure in civics education and poor parenting.

David Hogggun controlLaura IngrahamNRA