I Love This State And I Am Very Proud To Say I Am An Arizonan

Dr. Charles Loftus

Arizona has always been a proud and independent place. We were the last state of the contiguous 48 to join the union. Spring forward, fall back, move sideways – whatever it is that we do with the clocks for a reason no one ever really seems to know for sure – we stand apart by not jumping into daylight savings time. Arizona is the only state in the entire country that’s home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World. You only need look at one of our sunsets to appreciate how spectacular we are.

When most people think about Arizona, they picture desert. The amazing Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world where the magnificent Saguaro grows. But the desert only makes up a portion of the state. Arizona has the longest continuous Ponderosa Pine forest on the continent. You can snow ski and water ski the same day in Arizona.

Arizona’s copper mines produce 65 percent of all U.S. copper, and the state is the sixth-largest producer of copper in the world. Arizona is a leader in the country’s aerospace and defense industry. Nearly six percent of the state’s gross product can be attributed to A&D, the third highest concentration in the nation.

Arizona’s military bases account for nearly 100,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs and output of $9.1 billion.

And I can go on and on …

I was born down on the border in Nogales and raised in Patagonia, Pinetop and Phoenix. I went to school in Phoenix – grade school thru ASU, getting 3 degrees including a Ph.D.. And I’ve lived in the same house in LD-20 with my family for over 25 years.

Unfortunately, there’s a sinister underbelly here too. While at the state Attorney General’s Office, I investigated corruption and fraud at both the corporate and government level. Part of my reason for running for state Senator is to expose and eliminate much of this corruption from our state. There are many in government who do not want to see me elected. I am the enemy of public waste, fraud and corruption. I’m also tired of seeing out of state billionaires control Arizona politics.

I am a strong conservative and all that means. I am opposed to the “swamp”, liberals and RINO’s. I am not a political insider. I am for the “wall” and against sanctuary cities. And I ask for your vote to put all of this in action for Arizona and for all of us.

Arizonacharlie loftusLoftus