The False Front Of Justice In America

Robert Mueller’s representative, U.S. Attorney Robert Khuzami stated shortly after Michael Cohen’s plea deal, that “His day of reckoning serves as a reminder that we are a nation of laws, with one set of rules that apples equally to everyone.” Really?

To date, that infamous criminal Hillary Clinton has yet to be indicted for crimes committed against the United States. Her crimes are too numerous to list in this article.

To date, disgraced former FBI Director James Comey has yet to be indicted for leaking classified information and using his personal computer for government business.

To date, Andrew McCabe, former number two man at the FBI and acting director after Comey’s termination, has yet to be indicted. McCabe has a history of known contacts with Russian mobsters, which created serious concerns among special agents who were working the Boston Marathon bombing and the Robert Levinson kidnapping case. BY 2015, even the CIA expressed concerns about McCabe’s contacts with Russians. In fact, it appears the CIA Counter Espionage Division may have opened a formal cased on McCabe.

To date, Peter Strzok, disgraced FBI agent who was finally terminated from the FBI for cause, has yet to be indicted. Both Strzok and Ohr worked organized crime together in New York City. During this time, it appears both Strzok and Ohr knew and worked with Christopher Steele when he was assigned to Russian Organized Crime by MI6.

To date, Lisa Page, FBI attorney and paramour to Strzok, has yet to be indicted for participation I a conspiracy to overthrow the Trump administration.

To date, Bruce Ohr, who was demoted at least twice, has yet to be indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the Trump administration, and he still draws a paycheck at the Department of Justice.

To date, former CIA Director John Brennan has yet to be indicted for peddling a false dossier and attacking the President of the United States. Additionally, he is doing irreparable damage to our intelligence communities through his partisan attacks on President Trump. And, as Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist has commented, Brennan has a history of dishonesty.

To date, Glen Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, has yet to be indicted for his participation in a criminal conspiracy with the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Cole LLP, Bruce Ohr and Peter Strzok to overthrow the Trump administration.

James Comey was directing the conspiracy against Trump, until the President fired him. He arranged the appointment of Special Counsel Bob Mueller. Now Bob Mueller is directing the cover up by prosecuting Trump associates and ignoring the growing list of Democratic Party operatives involved with the Russian meddling hoax. Why do I say hoax?

Aside from an unclassified report issued by an intelligence agency in January of 2017 that contained assessments and opinions but no factual evidence, the continuing topic of Russian meddling has no evidence behind it. Democrats are saying it is real. Show me the evidence.  Not one scrap of evidence has been produced by any of the usual suspects, That’s why I call this entire fiasco a hoax.

It is even more than that. In a December 12, 2016, reported that the FBI put all 35,000 agents on standby amid fears of an attempted coup by John Brenna’s CIA. The move came after President Obama told U.S. soldiers at McDill Air Force Base to openly ignore Donald Trump and question his authority when he takes office. This was tantamount to initiating a coup d’etat against the Trump administration.  If this report is true, it presents a damning indictment of Barack Obama and John Brennan, an admitted Communist and a Muslim convert who enabled members of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate our intelligence communities.

One other fact is known. Who was colluding with the Russians? So far, no one in the Trump campaign has been accused of collusion. But we do know that Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and Nellie Ohr were in contact with Russian officials and mobsters. We also know the Christopher Steele was in contact with his Russian contacts. We know that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC funneled money through Perkins Cole LLP to pay for the phony Russian dossier. It’s clear who was colluding with the Russians. Why is Mueller so blind? Or is he the cover-up mastermind.

If the Justice Department fails to pursue indictment of all the people listed above, we will have positive proof that the false front of Justice in America is alive and well, the system is rigged, and the FBI and Justice Departments can no longer be trusted by the American people. We will also have proof that America is not a nation of laws with one set of rules that apply equally to everybody.
