Pima County Board To Meet July 22 To Vote On Migrant Shelter Lease

The Pima County Board of Supervisors is set to vote on offering Casa Alitas, a nonprofit program that offers short-term shelter to migrants seeking asylum, a lease at their July 22 Special Meeting. The meeting was called for the sole purpose of approving a $100 annual lease for the County’s Juvenile Justice facility.

County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry proposes to turn over three units in the facility to Catholic Community Services to house their shelter and processing program which will provide services including living space to 300 migrants and about 50 volunteers per shift.

Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona oversees Casa Alitas which provides transitional housing which allows the migrants time to make arrangements with friends, families, or cartel organizations for future travel, housing, and employment.

AGENDA: Cooperative Agreement for the Provision of Humanitarian Services with Catholic Community Services to Provide Respite, Shelter and to Arrange Final Transportation for Legal Asylum Seekers Turned Over to Catholic Community Services by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Border Patrol at Units 700, 800 and 900 of the Juvenile Justice Complex

According to Huckelberry, the County will provide building maintenance, operating, utility, food and laundry costs and will seek reimbursement from the Federal government through humanitarian aid grants and programs. Pima County has applied for a humanitarian aid grant from the Department of Homeland Security that would cover the operating costs of the facility. It is unclear why Pima County and not Catholic Community Services is seeking the federal assistance.

DID YOU KNOW: In 2016, “figures available on the USASpending.gov website show the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) garnering more than $91 million for refugee resettlement programs, more than $202 million going to Catholic Charities, which also serves refugees, and the Boston-based ICMC (International Catholic Migration Commission) getting more than $17 million in government funds stipulated entirely for U.S. refugee resettlement, according to Lifesitenews.com

The number of migrants passing through Pima County has soared from approximately 50 a day to over 200 a day.

The facilities for the migrants do not have locks on the doors, but does have televisions in lounges. The facility will provide services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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asylumCasa AlitasCatholic Community Serviceschuck huckelberryJuly 22 Special Meetingmigrantspima county board of supervisorsPima County's Juvenile Justice facilityshort-term shelter