Steve Ronnebeck Not Your Typical Congressional Candidate

By Damien Kennedy

Steve Ronnebeck isn’t your typical Congressional candidate. When it comes to candidates for Congress, there really is not that many “different” types and few people would want to be the type that makes Steve Ronnebeck unique.

You see, Steve Ronnebeck is an Angel Parent. An Angel parent is a person, whose child was killed at the hands of someone in the U.S. illegally.

You have your hard right, hard left, soft left and soft right and moderates Congressional candidates, and then you have the rare candidate whose pain makes them not hard or soft, or even moderate. Their pain dulls the sharp edges on any ideology, leaving them thoughtful, cautious, compassionate, and woke.

When you hear the term Angel Parent and congressional run, you might immediately assume that they would either be bitterly hard right. I will admit that is the first thought I had upon hearing the phrase and wasn’t expecting all that much from my first interaction with Steve.

Understandably immigration is a top priority for Steve. Steve’s son, Grant, was murdered by an individual who was in the U.S. illegally. Steve is not bashful to share the details of his beautiful son’s murder. He does a good job of checking his emotions as he recounts how his son was shot point blank in the face by a crazed felon, who would not have been where he was when he was had it not been for our broken immigration system.

Steve blames the system as much as he blames the shooter. There is not one hint in his demeanor, or speech that he holds any animus towards illegal aliens, or Latinos, or even DREAMERs, which of course the shooter, who shall not be named, was.

“I understand and know that the individual who killed Grant is not representative of all illegal immigrants,” Steve told me.

It is that understanding that has earned Steve support from people with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds across political lines in CD3.

In fact, it is the people of CD3, who share his experience. CD3 is one of the poorest Congressional Districts in the country and we know statistically it is the poor that are hardest hit by the ravages of illegal immigration and our open border. From repressed wages to the abundance of opioids, it is the poor that suffer the most from our failed system.

Steve is not interested in a career as a politician, he is committed to finding solutions to the situations that create Angel Parents.

Steve realizes that it is Congress and the likes of Congressman Raul Grijalva, who have violated our trust by allowing daily violations of the nation’s sovereignty.

Steve realizes that it is Congress and the likes of Congressman Raul Grijalva, who have no interest in protecting the law-abiding residents of CD3.

Now, the residents of CD3 need to realize that.

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angel parentRonnebecksteve Ronnebeck