Coronavirus Cases At 12 In Arizona, 50 Cases Pending Results

PHOENIX – The Arizona Department of Health Services has confirmed there are now 12 cases of coronavirus in the state. There are 4 cases in Maricopa County, 5 in Pinal County, 2 in Pima County, and 1 in Graham County.

Maricopa County Public Health (MCDPH) has confirmed its 4th presumptive positive case of COVID-19. According to the Department, “the case is a woman in her 30’s who is isolated and recovering at home. MCDPH is investigating to identify close contacts of this case and make recommendations to prevent further spread.”

COVID-19 In Arizona
Number of Positive 12
Number of Pending 50
Number of Ruled-Out 121
Number of People Tested 183

On Friday, the count stood at 10 cases.

CoronavirusGraham Countymaricopa countypima countyPinal County