Phoenix City Councilman Accused Of Going “Too Far” Offering Support For Cops

PHOENIX – Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio had finally heard enough hate aimed at police officers during this week’s City Council meeting. In exasperation, DiCiccio launched a full-throated and/or foul-mouthed endorsement of the officers depending on your point of view.

DiCiccio’s words largely earned praise on Twitter.

Thank you for speaking up for our law Enforcement

LibertarianReason @LibertarianRea3
Keep it up, Sal! We need more of this, not less. We also need BETTER TRAINING for our officers, period! It’s time to realize that officers are ill equipped to handle a high pressure situation.
The police aren’t perfect and make mistakes but I am glad you spoke up for them because 99% of them I’m sure try to do the right thing under very tough circumstances and they do protect us there’s no question about that. Thank you Sal
The Phoenix Law Enforcement association appeared to appreciate the words as well and they posted the video of DiCiccio prominently on their Facebook page.