Open Letter: Dissolved “AZCDL PAC” Owner Owes Apologies

Mr. Mitchell,

You recently sent out a letter of suggested candidates supposedly supported by the AZCDL. I contacted you asking why Walt Blackman was not on the list since Walt co-sponsored the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State bill and has been a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment. You would not give me an answer. We all know what the answer is — you are upset with Walt for not endorsing Wendy Rogers. This had not one thing to do with candidates who defend the 2nd Amendment.

I contacted the AZ Secretary of State office and was informed the AZCDL PAC was dissolved in 2019. This means “your” PAC is not operating legally. I then contacted the AZCDL directly and was told that they do not endorse. Furthermore. They informed me that you have been asked not to utilize the AZCDL logo or name.

You have the audacity to scold Gary Morris, claiming that he is pushing voters towards the candidate he wants them to vote for. However, it is YOU who should take a good look in the mirror. You left Walt’s name off your suggested voter list with no substantial evidence that he doesn’t support the 2nd Amendment. In fact, the evidence shows that Walt is a STRONG 2nd Amendment defender. It’s okay though, because Walt is endorsed by the NRA (PAC), a registered and reputable PAC.

Let’s discuss Wendy Rogers. I thought Wendy was my friend. We spent lots of time conversing, and I grew to love her like my sister. I told Wendy personal things that I am quite sure will come out in a Facebook advertisement about me. It’s okay though, because I am not perfect, and I do believe in atonement. I spent time in Wendy’s vacation home in Flagstaff and I was also at her beautiful home in Tempe. My kids love Wendy, she is a fun person.

When Wendy make personal false attacks on Steve Smith, Walt confronted her about her inexcusable behavior. Wendy responded by explaining that, “Steve Smith was surging” and “she needed to win.” Walt responded by saying, “is a win a win when you ruin someone’s life through false allegations?”

Wendy claims our close friend, Pastor Dave Marshall, endorsed hr. That was not true. When Wendy was asked to remove the false endorsement, she did not. Pastor Dave’s son, Markus, boldly asked her directly on her Facebook page to remove it, and she still has not. She claimed my mother’s cousin, Mary Louise Flake, endorsed her. That was not true. Mary Louise donated to Sylvia’s campaign and did not endorse Wendy. My realtor and town council member, Greg Brimhall, said he did not endorse her. Matt Hamilton, owner of Solar Exchange, is extremely irritated with Wendy because he said he never endorsed her. Larry Titus, Snowflake High School principal, did not endorse Wendy. Wendy placed Mr. Titus in a very awkward place because he tries to stay neutral so he can provide services for ALL citizens in our community. These are all people from MY hometown. Wendy disrespected them and took advantage of their reputation for her own gains.

One digital advertisement that Wendy has been circulating says, “I fought for you once and will fight for you again.” That statement is untrue. Wendy told me she never went into combat. She served; however, she did not fight. You know going into battle and fighting on the front lines is very different than serving and never deploying. As an Army wife who has dealt with the aftermath of my husband’s multiple combat tours, Wendy’s claims of “fighting” are offensive. I placed this deception in the same category as those with stolen valor.

Mr. Mitchell, I feel that you owe Mr. Morris and the voters of LD6 an apology. You have used the dissolved AZCDL PAC to try to persuade voters to vote for who YOU think they should vote for. You want the voters to vote for a candidate who does not reside in LD6, lies about endorsements, gets large donations from out of AZ, and is using the Senate seat to jump into a Congressional run. She is not running for the citizens of LD6.

I once spoke with the soldier who served with Wendy; his father is our neighbor. He described Wendy as “self-serving” and explained she would go she would do whatever she needed to benefit herself. I believe this is true because Wendy has shown me firsthand that it did not bother her to use MY friends for her political benefit. This is been a difficult letter for me to write and I hope you take time to understand my perspective the same way I am trying to understand yours.

Kristie Blackman
Tankers wife 4 life

AzCDLMitchellwendy rogers