Officials Demand Tumamoc Hill Visitors Wear Masks While Walking Outside In Heat

TUCSON — Despite scorching temperatures, walkers on Tumamoc Hill are being told to follow a mandatory face covering requirement or else. If they do not comply, officials are threatening to close the popular walking destination again.

Tumamoc Hill, which is managed by the University of Arizona, closed to the public on March 18 in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It reopened on May 25, and walkers have returned despite the heat, with 750 to 1,000 people walking the hill every day since early June.

Starting July 24, the university began a two-week period to determine if they will keep Tumamoc Hill open. If compliance with the face covering policy is not met by the end of the two-week period, according to the university, it will be forced to close Tumamoc Hill to the public.

The university claims physical distancing of at least 6 feet is not possible in some areas of the hill. Social distancing “is practically impossible during peak walking hours at sunrise and sunset,” claimed Ben Wilder, director of Tumamoc Hill.

Since the hill reopened, approximately 30 to 40% of visitors are following the policy, Wilder said.

A whiteboard at the base of the hill indicates the percentage of visitors wearing face coverings each day, along with the previous day.

Wilder urged all walkers to take responsibility for their own actions and to avoid the temptation to be the “mask police.”

“We believe the better approach is to seek to create the conditions where members of our community take this personal responsibility seriously,” he said. “Be mindful of effective but unthreatening approaches you might take in engaging with other members of our community who are not complying with this requirement. Think safety. Wear a mask. Be compassionate. Continue to enjoy Tumamoc Hill.”