Classrooms Closed To Kids By Covid, Opened Up To Parents’ Scrutiny

Parents, I have a question if you will be so kind as to indulge me. For what do you send your children to public schools – an education, acquisition of knowledge or for indoctrination? Well, that is if schools were actually open and teachers were willing to be there for in-person instruction.

The past several years, especially with this recent “panic demic,” have given parents a look at what is going on in schools here in Arizona and across America. It has become very challenging over the years for parents to be able to volunteer in their children’s classroom – much harder than when I did so almost 30 years ago. While, rightfully, student safety is the oft cited reason, one sometimes can’t help but wonder if it is not the content and instructional practices that they want out of parents’ sight.

Since the advent of “distance learning” it has become very apparent educrats do not want parents in the classroom, even when the classroom is their own home.

In Rutherford County Schools in Tennessee parents were required to sign releases that they would not monitor their children’s online classes.

A  Philadelphia teacher (and trainer of teachers) Matthew R. Kay at the Science Leadership Academy is very concerned about “who is overhearing the discourse” in his classroom. He absolutely oozes disrespect for parents when he writes about “the damage “helicopter/snowplow” parents can do in “honest” (emphasis mine) conversations about gender and sexuality…” Parents, is this really what you send your children to school to have a stranger teach them?

From Dallas, Texas we got a look at W. H. Adamson High School art teacher, Payal Modi, shooting a squirt gun at a video of President Trump while yelling “die.” While she was put on administrative leave (with pay no doubt) it is unlikely that the parents will ever know the outcome – confidential personnel matter after all.

Most incidents of inappropriate – oft times sexual – curricula, outlandish behavior or outright indoctrination of students to specific political beliefs on the part of teachers are rarely uncovered until after the fact. Then the response from the school district is usually “oops, sorry that shouldn’t have happened (however what we will do about it is none of your business). But how does a parent unring the bell?

Recently here in Arizona U.S. Representative Paul Gosar was allegedly threatened by a retired teacher, Mary Kathleen Spangenberg, a self-described Red4Ed advocate, according to reports. You remember Red4ED. They orchestrated an illegal teacher strike, oh right, “walkout” in 2018 and now are doing everything possible to incite fear and keep teachers from returning to your children’s classrooms all while continuing to be paid with your tax dollars. Déjà vu – 2018 all over again but I digress.

RELATED ARTICLE: Republican Congressman Receives Death Threat From Retired Teacher

But let’s set aside Ms. Spangenberg the “political activist” and whatever it is we call someone who threatens to shoot an elected official. Let’s look at Ms. Spangenberg the 1st & 2nd grade teacher. She taught in the Cartwright Elementary District. At Justine Spitalny Elementary, where Ms. Spangenberg taught, 48% of the 3rd graders are minimally proficient and 22% are partially proficient in English Language Arts. She videoed a “fun” vocabulary lesson with her 6 year olds.

“I’m going to say a word and I want you to tell me what you think it means. Okay, ready? The word is Chakakahn. Chakakahn. What do you think that means?”

The children’s guesses, which run the gamut from “chicken” to “chocolate pizza” to “rocking chair,” were all given without any context or explanation from Ms. Spangenberg – just keep making wild guess kids. After over 3 minutes of this nonsense, Ms. Spangerberg proudly exclaims “Okay, so I’m going to tell you what Chakakahn is. It is the name of… a famous singer! It is the name of a famous singer – Chaka Kahn.” And then she ends with “good job friends.” Good job??!!?? On whose part? The children learned nothing and she taught them nothing but “good job” made them “feel” good? With lessons such as this is it any wonder 70% of the third graders at Justine Spitalny Elementary can’t read?

Margaret Kathleen Spangenberg inexplicably shared her “First Grade Challenge” on a famous comedian’s Facebook page.

This is what our government schools have become – centers for sexual and political, feel good emotional indoctrination. Try it, ask a high school student what he/she thinks and in all likelihood they will tell you how they “feel” about the question at hand. Unfortunately efforts to curb indoctrination and political agendas in the classroom have been thwarted sometime by the courts; sometime by the Legislature.

Parents, Gov. Ducey, Red4Ed, and AEA (the teachers’ union) are giving you a very unique look at what is really going on behind the scenes of your children’s government schools. It is up to you what you do with this once in a lifetime opportunity. Please ask yourself – what do you want for your child(ren)’s future, education or indoctrination, your values or a stranger’s? It is one thing to do nothing when you don’t know, but now that you know, what will you do – for your children and for our country?

ClassroomsCOVID-Diane Douglasgosarmary spangenbergredfored