What Comes Next: Hard-Left Dystopia In A Depression

This week my Tucson fitness center sent out an e-mail they were trying to sell their locations, but would have to close altogether within 30 days if nothing happened.

Multiply this by the numbers of small businesses across Arizona, and all across America. It’s an economic calamity whose only accurate comparison harkens back to the start of the 1930’s, a.k.a. the Dirty Thirties. Notice I said “start”. Current US poverty statistics are trending off the chart.

Meanwhile in D.C., that fountainhead of knowledge, wisdom, and goodness revered by the Hard-Left, Joe Biden assembles his cabinet. And once again, it’s filled with ideologues, looney tunes, and operational nobodies.

And just so “it looks like America” (their favorite excuse), along with the right mix of political correctness, it even includes a transsexual leading for the all-important Department of Education. Gotta shape those young minds correctly!

Dr. Milton Friedman’s words are coming back on steroids, “liberals always judge their efforts by their good intentions” (not the results).

And in Biden’s foreign policy and national security realm, there’s the usual cast of northeastern prep-school & Ivy League educated elitists. Swamp dwellers all. (“Hey, you peons don’t have a clue about these issues.”) Iran and China are starting to get seriously aroused by all the possibilities.

So there you have it, and if the Demsheviks take the Georgia Senate seats in the January 5th run-offs, most if not all of this menagerie of menace will be confirmed. Rumor has it, there’s even office space for Biden’s mentor, Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama. Wouldn’t surprise.

One is tempted to ask; don’t all these “smart people” realize how badly wounded the US economy really is?
My answer: sure they do, but they’re wowed by the ‘Wizards of High-Finance’ and the torturous logic of their erudite explanations, which usually ends-up with the same solution: #a. print more money; #b. throw money at problem; #c. create more debt to fund the operation.

It’s the monetary equivalent of a Sumo wrestler’s diet: lots of carbs AND fat. Ingest, expel, repeat.

Not this time; the Great American Atomic-Powered Printing Press & Traveling Road Show is on its last legs. Planet Earth has had enough; no mas Amigos.

Their response: “Screw that Dick, we ain’t lending you money for 20-30 years for ½-1%”. International bankers are all pulling back. In response, the Fed has magically boosted the size of its own balance sheet ~1100%, chock full of US government debt obligations. Meanwhile, the Dollar’s exchange value has fallen some 26% since 2002, genuinely threatening its reserve currency status.

My prediction: this won’t last much longer, until the Fed is forced to pay higher i-rates to support the dollar AND attract offshore money for all those bonds. When that happens, as it inevitably will, there goes the [stratospherically-high] stock market.

There are only 2 things that will stop this creeping monetary criticality-event: a general tax increase with proceeds 100% constitutionally-mandated (i.e. by amendment so Congress can’t cheat) for a net reduction of the parabolic $27 TRILLION US debt. And #2, the “dollarization” of Latin America (who could seriously use it), that “soaks-up” those excess globo-dollars, ahead of the Chinese sniffing around down there. But how likely are these two?

Really, this is all you need to know; make your own plans accordingly.

Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley. His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization. He is still on Facebook for the time being.