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‘Thank You To Modern Medicine’: Joe Rogan Announces He Got COVID

Joe Rogan definitely got everyone’s attention Wednesday when he revealed that he contracted COVID-19 and credited “modern medicine” with getting him back to “feeling good.”

“So, I got back from the road Saturday night feeling very weary,” the 54-year-old podcaster explained in a video posted on Instagram.

“I had a headache and I just felt just run down and just be cautious, I separated from my family, slept in a different part of the house,” he added. “And throughout the night I got fevers and sweats and I knew what was going on. So, I got up in the morning got tested, and turns out I got COVID.”

“So, we immediately threw the kitchen sink at it, all kinds of meds, monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, z-pack, prednisone, everything, and I also got an NED drip and a vitamin drip and I did that 3 days in a row,” Rogan continued…

READ MORE — ‘Thank You To Modern Medicine’: Joe Rogan Announces He Got COVID >>>

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